Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Today was the day!!

These are pictures of my booth at the CAIR fair. It turned out to be an awesome day. I was busy talking to people the whole time and I'm pretty sure that there will be steam coming out of my machine because I am going to be working so hard over the next few months!


  1. Yay, Amy!! I'm glad the day went so great!! Your stuff looks amazing- wish I lived closer and could contract you to slipcover my couches!!! (and to hang out...) You should open an Etsy shop!

  2. Girlfriend... you ROCK!!! I am so impressed and proud!!! Please come to Fort Bragg and slipcover my house! I promise to call soon... We have had company, and things are still a bit upside down. Love you and miss you!

  3. Beautiful! I could live in your booth. I'm glad it was so fruitful. You're so talented! Guess you'll be busy for a while...
