Saturday, November 15, 2008

Things always have to get worse before they get better!

You know how when you clean or organize a room, you have to make a bigger mess to get there? Well that is what I am smack dab in the middle of! I decided that my work room needed some organization. I couldn't find anything anymore! So if I am going to re0organize, I am going to re-decorate at the same time! Below are some pictures of the during stages. Keep checking back because very soon I am going to post the final results and I can say, it was worth the mess!!

Found three pairs of Jason's pants in that room, he has been waiting over a year for me to fix something on each of them. The craziest part, when I sat down to do it, it only took me 5 minutes to fix all three pairs! Should have just done that when they ripped last year! The old set-up. Can you see why I couldn't find anything or function in that room anymore?
Just another view to torture your eyes with!

Not only am I re-doing this room, I am also re-doing the kids room and at the same time pulling out all of our Christmas decorations to start decorating the house for "Tour of Homes" which takes place in three weeks. Tour of Homes is an annual fundraiser hosted by the post's OCSC. For the tour, there will be 9 homes that are opened up for people to go through and look at how it is decorated not only for Christmas, but what you have done with your home. Since we live on post in Army housing, everyone has the same general house, so it is fun to see how people get creative and make it their home. There will be somewhere around 150+ people going through our home. I will post pictures once I get it all decorated, in the mean time, I think I may have just stressed myself out talking about it! AAAGGGHHH!!!! I need to get moving and get out of blog world!


  1. I can't wait to see all of your Christmas trees up! It will be gorgeous...

    awesome job redoing the kids' room, by the way! Their closet is a work of organizational art! :)

  2. Look forward to seeing the results... you're so creative and have great style. Wish I could tour your house for ideas. By the way, congrats on the sale of your Indiana house. Woo hoo!

  3. I hope things are going well in the decorating department. thank you so much for your help and your prayers this week.
