Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Don't you think love is in the details? I love all the little details around our house. I love for people to look around and find little things that they did not see at first. Since you can't actually walk around our house and look yourself, I thought I would point them out for you.

Details of the tree
Garland Details

Tree topper

tree #2 details

Glittery bird

Dining Table Centerpiece

Tree # 2 details

Little vignette in the living room

Metal apothecary jar with Christmas bulbs

Stairway details

I pray you all have a wonderful Christmas tomorrow. Enjoy every moment with your friends and family. Stop and take time to enjoy the "details."
Just a little side note, Jason is doing much better. For the first time today he was able to get out of bed with minimal help. Woo hoo!!! He still can only stand and lay down - - no sitting allowed, but thankfully, he is on the mend.

1 comment:

  1. We're so glad he's on the mend!

    ... and I love your house and all its details. :)
