Monday, December 15, 2008

Workroom Redo - - part 2

My one wall in the workroom is all things I just had around the house all put together to make up a fun little wall. Here is a picture of the entire wall. These are vintage trays that were really fun, but just not the feel of the room, so I cut some scrapbooking paper to size, attached it to the center with double sided tape, then hot glued a ring clip and a ribbon bow on and ta da, I now have a really cute note holder!

I attached a little lamp crystal and a picture of the kids holding hands while they are sleeping, so sweet!
Another thing I did for the wall was spray paint a frame I had black, then stapled black ribbon across it in three rows. Next I took ring clips, and paper clips and clipped letters and notes to it. I even had some old keys on a ribbon that I attached.

So easy when you just think outside of the box! Using items for different things than they were originally intended to be used!

1 comment:

  1. I think I've been looking at your blog too much. I had a creative dream last night that I could reupholster these two ugly couches. I was so excited about it! Then I woke up. Sad.
