Saturday, February 14, 2009


Long post this time... ok, maybe not long, but LOTS of pictures!!

Welcome to my friend, Kristi's house! All the pictures today are just little details I found in her home, I could sit for hours in her house just finding new details hidden here and there. The day I went to take pictures, Kristi was putting new window mistreatments up, so I told her I would come back and take more pictures later. I hope you enjoy all the little vignettes and even get some ideas for your house!!

Need a little extra height - - stack some old books (make sure you choose some in your complimentary colors!) and voila! The perfect height!
I'm not even sure what this is in the little glass, but it screams CUTE!!

A collection of silver spoons

Kristi loves nests and displays them better than anyone I know! She even has me liking birds and nests!

The big picture of where all those items came from! Seriously....look how good she can make a rolling metal cart look! By the way, did you notice that she covered each of the wire shelves with pages from old books? What a great way to give it depth and character!

A collection of rubber stamps.

The perfect way to keep things organized in your workroom - - use vintage bread pans to organize and display your different supplies.

Aren't these cute? Yup, Krisit made them!

A great way to organize and display all those small ribbons!

Too cute!

A collection of H's all in a vintage egg basket.

Notice how the H is anchored in one of those floral pin thingys. You also get a glimpse of the old typewriter that she has displayed on her shelf.

Again, different little collections on her shelves.

Old keys in an ashtray?

The shelf where the last four pictures came from. Even better in person!
Hope you all enjoyed a little glimpse of Kristi's house. I'll get some more pictures later, but for now I'll let her be. Her husband is home from Iraq right now for two weeks of R&R. Enjoy every minute of it Kristi and thank you so much for sharing your home!!


  1. I just love all of the little vignettes. Where does she find all of her ion letters? They are too cute.
    Thank you for sharing her home she has given me great inspiration.
    -Cheers, Amy
    Oh wait…
    I just when back and enlarged the picture with the cart, and noticed her drapes had fabric scraps at the end. I love this idea!

  2. Amy-
    Yes, she is putting ragamuffin garlands on the bottoms of her linen drapes. That is what she was doing while I was there, so I told her I would come back for pictures later - - - isn't that a great idea (the garlan - not going back and taking pictures later...although I guess that is a good idea also!)
    I'm not sure where she gets all her letters from, probably here and there, but I will ask her for you!

  3. I just happened upon your blog. I can't believe it, but I just sat here and read your entire blog! I don't think I've done that to anyone's blog before. LOL

    I'll be back... I am a follower now. :)

  4. Kristi is still there? Tell her hi for me. I always looked forward to seeing her home during the tour of homes. She has a certain way of displaying collections in a peaceful way...not cluttered at all...that I love. Just last week I was trying to channel her style while organizing my craft room. I have a ways to go! I have large wired ribbon in a large clear container, but I think I'm going to copy her and put my smaller ribbon in a smaller jar. I also really liked how she used bread pans for storage containers.

    Looking forward to the next round of photos.

  5. It's still a little strange to know parts of my home are online for all to see, but it is so interesting to hear what others have to say about it. I have to admit, it's actually kind of fun. Thanks for showcasing my home, Amy! And for those interested, yes, there will be more to share!

    Kristi H.

  6. Amy-Doesn't my sister have wonderful decorating ideas! She just left my house in Seattle all revamped, giving me new inspiration.

  7. Erica-
    I know... I go to her house for inspiration! Although, she has changed it around a bunch. I probably need to go and take more pictures and do another post on her house! Thanks for visiting my blog!
