Thursday, March 5, 2009

White Slipcover

I'm linking up!

I reupholstered this chair for one of my customers a few months back, but since then, she has moved the chair into a different room. She didn't want the chair reupholstered again, but instead asked me to do a simple white slipcover with some nice details. Here is the before picture...

And the after! Ta da!

I needed a way to keep the slipcover tight around the arms of the chair, so I sewed some white grossgrain ribbon to the slipcover at the bottom edge near the arm opening and now it can be tightened and tied shut with a romantic bow. Notice the adorable pleated "short skirt" that goes all the way around, I am just in love with this little detail.

Keeping the slipcover tight around the back required that I pull it tight at the seam and then have buttons to keep it together. The seam right above the buttons, at the edge of the chair is velcroed (I'm not sure that is a word) together from under the arm to just below the buttoned flap.

And the best and most exciting part - - ok for me at least - - I got my labels! I'm so professional now! This is the first one that I got to put on any of my projects. It makes me feel official!


  1. Oh how I love, love, love this slipcover!!! I want one just like it for myself! If only I could find a chair...

  2. It's a wonderful slipcover!!

  3. I miss you - Saturday WAS a long time ago! It was many truffles ago for me and many tan lines ago for you. :) We should probably try to catch up - I'll bring the chocolate and you bring the sun.

  4. Awwww... SO much better! Love it! Too cute!!

  5. So pretty! The pleated skirt is the perfect finishing touch.

  6. Love it! Especially those adorable pleats!

  7. I'm with ya on the labels :) and those pleats "make" the chair! Great job!

  8. beautiful! It is a lot nicer than most of the slip covers I've seen on the market...great job!


  9. Congrats on your new labels and feeling official.
    You have done a great job with the slipcover. I love the pleating detail.

  10. super job! wow! your own labels, that is so cool!

  11. Love the skirt on this! Great job!

  12. When I was working on my slipcover I wasn't sure how to handle the arms, so I sewed it onto the chair...not a "slip" cover anymore right? You came up with the perfect solution with the ties and buttons. If only I'd seen this first!

  13. oh my! how adorable! thanks for putting the button on your side bar, but could you either/also link it in each of your linked posts...i would love for others to participate in the fun. gracias! you could just link up all day with all your slipcovering skillz! i'm going through your blog right now! love it!

  14. What a great job on this chair slip, it is adorable!

  15. Great job! It is so adorable. All these slip covers on smaller chairs make me want to try it out.

  16. You are good, girl...I love it...and don't get me started on the sweet tag you put on your slip...So fun! Love your blog...and your family is GORGEOUS!

    Stop by and take a gander at my slips...Meme

  17. Wow, so beautiful! Any chance you'd like to post a DIY on how you did it? The ruffle and button accents are so adorable!

  18. beautiful! great job on this slipcover, coming from someone who is scared to tackle a slipcover. Someday soon hopefully.

  19. How cute - I love the addition of the ribbon.

  20. love your slip! if you have a moment could you take a look at my chair? i was thinking of reupholstering it but since seeing yours - maybe i should slipcover it instead?

  21. This is just beautiful!! I love all the details and the pleats are to die for!! Love it. Also, love your labels!!

    I love your stuff!! I am a follower now!!

  22. I love it, especially the little pleats. Hope you come on over and join my slipcover show-off link party.

  23. Such a sweet chair, I love it!

  24. Flirty and fabulous! Great details.


  25. Oh this is just beautiful! I found you from threadneedle today. I posted my very first EVER slipcover. You veterans, if you have any advice, please give a holler! I'm so new at all of this!!

    I adore your details...buttons, grosgrain ribbons. Very special touches that make the cover so unique!

  26. Your chair looks totally adorable! You did a fantastic job! btw...we have the same blog background! I think our tastes are similar :)


  27. Absolutely stunning! Love the ribbons and buttons.

  28. I liked your tips on a snug fit. Sometimes that's a problem.

  29. I love the button detail! Thank you for stopping by.

  30. I LOVE your slip cover! I am blog hopping from the CSI project! Read your sweet profile and want to thank your husband for his service! Check out my laundry room at I feel like all I do is laundry! See my little plaque that sits on the counter!

  31. i'm looking for something just like this for my chairs!!!! i adore the pleated look!!!!! amazing you are!!!

  32. I love the slipcover. I have a chair myself that I've been trying to work up the courage to slipcover.

    Where did you get your labels? I'm in the market but just don't know where to buy from.
