Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lighter and Brighter and Miss 90's

If you have been reading my blog for any amount of time, you will know that since I moved I have been trying very hard to go "lighter and brighter."  A hard task for me at times since I seem to be naturally drawn to the darker, richer colors.  But it has been a fun challenge.  The easiest way to achive this has been by slipcovering my furniture.

Slipcovering is fantastic because you still have your original piece, without any damage done to it, it's kinda like a 2 for 1!  But even better, if you move alot, like we happen to (by the way, I just counted it up the other day... we have been married for 12 years and we have moved 24 times!  Gosh, that's like moving every six months, but in reality we have stayed in most places longer than 6 months!) then slipcovers are fantastic because you can very quickly and easily take them off before the packers come, throw them in the wash and pack them safely in a box yourself.  Then when you get to your new home, you can take it out, have a perfectly clean piece of furniture and if the movers happen to have scratched, dented, ripped, or otherwise mangled your piece, you can be non-stress about it and know you still have a beautiful cover to go on top.  When I make slip covers I do them very custom.  I like to have them look like it is an upholstered piece of furniture.  I know some people really like the loose fit, but for me, I like it to be snug and custom, so I use buttons and velcro to close up any seams that have to be able to open.   Here is one from a past post - - see how fitted it is and how the back is closed up by a row of buttons?

But when it comes to a piece of furniture that you absolutely can not stand the fabric on it, then I think it is time to reupholster!  Such was the case for my project this week.  I found this chair at the Salvation Army for $50. 

Not bad, it was in perfect shape as far as sturdiness, no smells, no odd stains that make you wonder.  It had a fabulous shape, look at the curved back...

It's one drawback?  It's  -"I'm still living in the early 90"s floral upholstery."  It definately was not fitting into "lighter and brighter."

 I did not want to keep Miss 90's current frock, so it was a perfect candidate for reupholstery.  One postive about reupholstery is that it take less fabric than slipcovers so I was able to look through my stash and use one of my fabrics that I have been wanting to use, but I knew I did not have enough for a slipcover. 

What do you think?  Isn't this a fabulous pattern?

And here is Miss 90's after her makeover!  I think she is showing herself quite well and she fits perfectly into my lighter and brighter livingroom makeover.  This room is almost done - - only 2 more slipcovers to go and then the big reveal!!


  1. Amy, I LOVE this chair! I covet the chair! It looks fantastic! You are just amazingly talented!!! - Erin G.

  2. So amazing...makes me want to ship a few things to you, or drag you home with me!

  3. LOVE IT!! Oh how I wish you still lived next door. :(
    Not just for your talent, but your companionship too!!

  4. How fun to see your fav. fabric used - and on such an awesome piece of furniture!

    Miss ya!

  5. My goodness, you've done it again! Absolute perfection!

  6. fantastical! you got skillz...they multiplyin... :)

  7. Jaw dropping amazing. I have chairs I need to reupholster badly but I am sceeeeered, when you are coming back to Indy? Seriously...I need your help.

  8. Also the sideboard you have your TV on IS AWESOME...great legs.

  9. Also the sideboard you have your TV on IS AWESOME...great legs.

  10. Thanks everyone! I must be a good neighbor because all my old neighbors want me back - Faith and Autumn!!

  11. I had a sideboard idential to yours-I had to let it go when I moved, and when I see one like my old one it gets me! I recently saw one for an astronomical price of $400 (what are they smoking?), but you know, if it's meant to be it will come back into my life at an affordable price. Great job on the chair! So talented!

  12. wow. i came upon your blog from infarrantly creative. you are amazingly talented! i am staying up late reading your blog, just loving everything you have done! i want to reupholster my armchair but i don't know how to sew but i love seeing what you have done! thanks!

  13. Seriously?!? You have some serious skills; some serious skills. I just started a blog: I would love if you would stop by!

    I decided today that I need to slipcover my (very large) sectional. Wish me luck!

  14. I just found your blog; it was linked to another blog I read. Anyway, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this newly upholstered chair! WOW, have you got an eye or what!?!?

    Also love the buffet/sideboard you're using for your t.v.!


  15. What beautiful work you do!Keep it up.
