Saturday, December 26, 2009

Game On!

(the kiddos took this picture with their camera this summer, thus the HIGH quality!!)

Well, today was the big day.  Handsome hubby left for his deployment today.  If you've been wondering why there hasn't been any new post lately, that is just the reason why.  Family time was much more important than decorating or sewing, so everything has been put on hold lately.  We have had a wonderful last couple of weeks just spending time as a family.  We took a few trips, went to New York, Tennessee, and Indiana to see family and friends.  This last week we spent at home, just the four of us.  It was fabulous!  You know how when you go on a really great vacation, then the first day you are home and have to get back to reality it is kinda depressing - - well, add on top of that the emotions that go with your husband deploying.  All in all though, I would say we did an exceptionally good job.  There were a few tears shed when he left early this morning, but since then we have done really well.  I'm so proud of my kids.  They have shown so much maturity for their 9 and 6 years.

There is a lot of emotion that goes with a deployment.  Sadness, fear, anger, self-determination, get the idea.  I supposed emotions change each day depending on what has happened that day.  Today I am mostly full of pride for my husband and children (after all it isn't just the soldier who sacarifices for our freedoms), and a bit of sadness at having to say goodbye to my best friend.  But mostly it is determination that we will get through this.  Every person is different and each family deals with things differently.  But we will figure it out as we go through and adjust as needed.   We've done it before and we will do it again - no pity needed!!

One of my biggest way of dealing is projects.  I have so many good projects lined up - - spray paint stocked up in the garage, fabric waiting on the shelf, and a sewing machine that is just begging to be used again.  Hopefully I will do better at posting pictures of my projects but I'm not going to make any promises!!

Here's my bright idea to share with you today...the kids really love to write daddy letters and send him pictures, but it is kinda hard for them to wait 2 plus weeks for a response.  My idea -- a blog for the kids!  I set up a blog (private) so the kids can write daddy letters on the blog and he will  be able to check it whenever he has an internet connection :)  That means they can also post pictures and show him what they are up to.  So, starting in January - - the kids will begin typing lesson as part of their school day and their writing time will be their "posts" to daddy.  Gotta love homeschooling!!!


  1. What a great idea for the letters!!! My prayers are with your whole family. May your 2010 be filled with many blessings. Deana

  2. Wishing you, Jason and the kids a short year. I have love reading your posts and keeping up with you. Typing is a skill that they will keep with them for the rest of their lives. God speed and wishing a fast and safe year for you and Jason.

  3. so glad the first day has gone well, my friend. I love you! We had a BLAST with you all on Tuesday - see you tomorrow, maybe!
