Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Baby Quilt (Deployment Project #9)

This project was a long time coming.  This little quilt if for Miss Evelyn who just celebrated her first birthday.  I originally made a quilt for her when she was still in her Mommy's tummy and we were all convinced she was going to be a He!  I had made an adorable cowboy quilt, but it was obviously a boy quilt!  After She arrived and wasn't a He, I told her Momma that I would make her a girly quilt.  finally - - just one short year later, I present a very girly quilt!

It is made with vintage looking pinks, creams, and a dash of plum.  The combination of fabrics with the quilting gives it a fabulous, cuddly look.  I think little Evelyn is going to enjoy her quilt for a long time!

Happy Birthday Evelyn!!!

In deployment news, we are all still doing well.  Three weeks down - - woohoo!!  The kids are so cute - - we pray together everynight before bed and everynight without fail, Charise says, "and Jesus, thank you that we made it through another day......woohoo!(throwing all our arms in the air because we are holding hands!)"  Cameron's prayers are a little more serious, he seems to be fixated on Daddy coming home with all his body parts and prays accordingly.  I guess that is just part of being a 9 year old boy!  Handsome hubby is doing well - - I guess he had camel for dinner last night.  Better him than me!

I have been enjoying going to the gym.  It's killing me!  But it is a great break from our daily grind and the kids seem to enjoy the kids area.  I've got so many projects lined up - - one big one this weekend, one that I am waiting for 1 yd of fabric to arrive in the mail so I can finish it, and one that requires nice weather and my mechanics hat!  Peaked your interest?  Keep checking back - - I wonder how many projects I will finish while Hubby is gone?

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