Sunday, January 3, 2010

Deployment Project #3

I'm linking up!

Ok, this one technically doesn't count as a deployment project because I started it before hubby left, but I did put the knobs back on tonight, and I haven't shared the pictures with you yet, so I am going to count it!! 

My mother-in-law had an amazing set of red glass dishes that I have loved ever since I first saw them in her hutch.  When they came to visit right after we moved here, she brought the entire set for me.  I was estatic!!!  But we needed a place to keep them safe and also to display some of the massive collection.  So my search began.

This Credenza was a free on Craigslist!  Oh Craigslist, how I could go on and on about how much I love you!  This is the first place that we have lived that we actually live close enough to partake of the great deals that can be found on Craiglist and I am loving it!!

I realized that usually when I am talking about a piece of furniture that I have redone, I call it "her" or "she".  There is no way I can call this piece a she.  It is a beast.  A BEAST!!!!  It is so heavy, it really needs more than two people to move it -- good thing handsome hubby is so strong (and handsome!!).  I thought I was going to die moving it into the house.  But with some grunting, some sliding on an old blanket to protect the floor, and finally muscle failure (on my part) we got it in here.  Not sure that this piece is going to move with us - - it might just put us over our weight limit.  But it is amazingly built.  No particle board or MDF in this piece.

At first, I felt a little guilty about painting a great wood piece, but then I remembered that it was free - - they were going to put it in the trash - - so I got over it!!  I replaced the nasty rotting burlap and replaced it with a very neutral off-white and tan toile to put behind the fretwork.  I am really pleased with how this piece turned out.  Not bad for FREE!!!

If your wondering why the picture is at such a funny angle it's becuase this is in our dining room and our massive table is going down the center of the room and I just couldn't get it out of the way for the picture.


  1. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! I cannot believe this is the same piece I saw on that wet and yucky day I last saw you!!! Incredible transformation!

  2. Beautiful. It looks so high end.

  3. I love it! BEAUTIFUL!!!
    God's blessings,
    Sarah :D

  4. Wow... what a fantastic transformation! Great job!! And it was free... that makes it even better! :)

  5. This is incredible! Honestly...dump some other stuff if you're over your weight limit because this one is too good to leave behind! :)

  6. This looks so great! Love the fabric!

  7. It's lovely! Looks SO much better in white--I think you made the right choice. :) I like the way you accessorized it too! Visiting from The CSI Project. My link is an older post--#5 on the list. :)

  8. Beautiful! I love the pretty details on the doors.

  9. Beautiful! I love how paint can change the way a piece of furniture feels! I came over from the CSI Project!

  10. Great transformation. The toile fabric is so soft and pretty... a really nice choice. I know what you mean about taking funny angled pictures. I am getting ready to re-do my dining room and I am WAY too lazy to move my dining set for the "before" pics. :)

  11. Okay, that is gorgeous. What a difference! I love your choice of toile fabric. So soft and french. That beast certainly became a beauty!

  12. Great job! I love it. I've seen pieces similar to this around while thrifting, but I love what you did with yours.

  13. What, you didn't want to lay on top of your table just to get a decent picture? LOL I love how it looks like the toile lady is peeking around the corner. :) ((fellow CSI crafter))

  14. I LOVE it. I'd be honored if you would come by and link up to Vintage Suitcase Friday!
