Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Painting (Deployment Project #7)

I like to paint, I just don't do it too often anymore.  When we were stationed at Ft. Campbell, KY I had my own buisness doing decorative painting.  It was fun, but I was never overly comfortable doing it for other people.  I like working with fabric so much better!!  Fabric is consistent and after a customer picks out their fabric, it isn't going to change.  It is concrete.  Painting is more about personal prefrences, creativity.  Needless to say, I don't paint for other people any more.   Except Handsome Hubby.  He loves for me to paint and he always shows a little dissappointment when I bring home a framed picture that I bought from somewhere.

As I'm sure you have noticed by now, every pictrure of my living room on here shows that I still have blank walls.  I just didn't have anything in my stash that fit the bill.  I wanted two pictures that worked together and were the same size to go over my two chairs.   I started searching for something, but when hubby found out I was looking, he went to Joannes and bought me two matching pictures.

Two blank white canvases.

Last night I decided to start the first of the two.  I knew I wanted a white flower with a blue background.  It didn't take me long to sketch out the flower and then I pulled out the paints.  Before I knew it, I had finished the entire painting.  I am pleased with how it turned out.  Now all I have to do is make another one for the other side of the wall!


  1. That is beeeauuutiful!!! I wish I had that much talent to put on my walls!

    I'm excited to see what the other one looks like!

  2. OH. MY. WORD. Stop with the talent and the creativity and the productivity!!! Just stop!! :) I miss you girl! If I was next door, you'd be sitting on a park bench with me, and you would not have time to be so busy and artistic!! Love ya!

  3. Wow, nice brush strokes, did you use a reference picture or did it come off the top of your head?

  4. Awww, thanks! I'm excited to see the other one also - - I just have to figure out what direction I am going to go with it to make sure they are similar, but not twins! Rozi - yes, I did use a reference picture - - I'm not that good!!!

  5. Gracious, friend. You are amazing. SOOOOO talented!!!!

  6. I want to attend Amy's School of Design too!!! You're talent is just incredible!
