Sunday, January 10, 2010

Spy Bag (Deplyment Project #6)

We haven't made too many friends around here.  It is much different than living on post.  But thankfully we have made some good friends with out neighbor a couple houses down.  Her husband deployed about a month and a half before handsome hubby and they have two girls - - the exact ages of my two kiddos!  So, needless to say, we have been hanging out a lot and they have been a God-send to us! 

Saturday was a Birthday Party for their oldest.  When I asked Cameron what he wanted to get for a gift for her, he knew exactly what to do!  Apparently, when they play at our house, they play spy all the time.  So he wanted to get her all the spy equipment she would need - along with a bag to keep all her "gear" in. 

So Friday, we headed off to Target to see what we could find in the "spy gear" department.  A gun, flashlight, evidence kit, spy glasses and decoder seemed to fit the bill.  Next we came home to pick out the pattern and fabric for the bag.  I have about 12 different bag patterns, so I let Cameron choose what one he thought would be the best, then we went to "The Stash" to pick out the fabric.  He thought the bag should be all black -- and as far as spy bags go, I couldn't agree more, but I really thought the brown with blue polk-a-dot fabric was really cute and approprate for a girl, so I convinced him to go with the polk-a-dots.  His one argument, "but Mom, if she's trying to hide, the dots are going to be GLOWING!"

Friday night I cut out the pattern pieces while the kiddos and I have pizza and movie night (it's our new Friday night tradition while Daddy is gone) and after the kiddos went to bed, I sewed the bag.  I think it turned out pretty cute.  I was a little nervoust about it when I started cutting it out because there were a lot of pieces!!  It turned out to be a fairly easy pattern - - I modified some of it to suit our spy needs.  We wrapped each of the spy gear gifts and stuffed each pocket and the bag with the different items.  It was so much fun to see her open each thing and get excited about all of it!

Doesn't she make a beautiful model?

Here's to enjoying every minute of childhood and all your spy games!!


  1. I figured, if you can do it, so can I, all I need to do now is learn how to make patterns and learn how to sew!

  2. That is AWESOME! What a great gift! Kudos to both you for the sewing and Cameron for the fantastic idea!

    P.S. Today I'm contemplating running on your treadmill!
