Monday, February 1, 2010

School Room Re-do (Deployment Project #18)

All this week I am going to be showing you different projects that I have done during my re-do of our school room.  I gave a sneak peak last week showing the ragamuffin banner that I made, if you missed that, you can check it out here.

One week into using our newly re-done school room and I can tell you that we are all loving it.  The kids seem to really enjoy the new set-up.  I think they feel more organized.  I know I do!  We have so much more room in there, just by switching out their desks and rearranging their furniture.  And you get to see it all this week! 

So... to start it all off, we definately need to show the before. 
As you can see, we were kinda stuffed in this little room.  Each of the kids had their own desk - - - with maps of the world and America on them (which I do have to say is a pretty cute idea that worked well) - - -but the desks were VERY wobbly!  We had lots of charts, calendars, posters, lists and every other imaginable thing on our walls.  You can see in the photo above our counting gears we used to count up to the 100th day of school.  It was just getting too crowded and too busy in there.  It wasn't a place where the kids could focus and work and it wasn't a place I wanted to be any more!!!

It was time for a re-do.
First job - - -paint

I chose a creamy muted yellow.  It is a fabulous backdrop for all the great projects that are going to go in this room.  Check back tomorrow to see the next project in this room!


  1. Oh Amy, you tease me with just this little peek! Can't wait to see the rest!

  2. My appt has no lights either. I really miss my house and I only have 2 years left before he retires my brother is living in my house now. you could cover the cord on ceiling with fabric that matches and tack it up with just use the tack strip you have ( the brown carboard strips that you use to for crisp folds then put the tacks in the strip on the other side so you can tack it down on the other side of the cord and then tack it down.
