Friday, March 5, 2010

Recessed Lighting Conversion (Deployment Project #41)

Besides being in love with my Handsome Hubby, I’ve found a new love!!  No worries, it isn’t another man – I couldn’t find one that even compares to Handsome Hubby! 
It’s a light.
It’s a renters Dream!
It’s only $30
Have I got your attention now?
Our rental home is filled with recessed lighting (can lighting).  It’s fine in its own sense.  It does it’s job efficiently – it lights a room, but it isn’t decorative.IMG_4410
Here’s the one above my sink.  Isn’t that corner just crying for something more decorative, more stylish?

Enter the $30 Lowes Portfolio Recessed Light Conversion Kit
It’s super simple!  The kit includes:  the socket adapter, the lamp cup, and the glass shade.  The entire thing is preassembled, all you have to do is put the glass shade on when you are done.
First, make sure you light switch is in the off position, then unscrew your light bulb.
Now you have an empty can.  Decide how far down you want your light hanging, and pull the extra cord through the canopy.  You will wrap the extra cord around the converter socket.  It has a little arm made just for the cord to wrap around.
Now screw the converter socket into the light bulb socket.
All that’s left is to adjust the canopy so it is next to your ceiling.
There is a little compression nut below the canopy that you can just unscrew a little till the canopy will slide smoothly up the cord.  Slide the canopy up so it is flush with the ceiling and tighten the nut.
The last step is to attach your glass shade, this is just done with a simple socket ring that is included.IMG_4420
And voila!  You have changed your can light out for a stylish pendant in less than 5 minutes!
I wanted to see what it would look like with a fabric shade on it, so I took the glass shade of and put a fabric one in it’s place.  It was cute, but not the look I was going for.  Imagine all the possibilities though!!
I have a recessed light over our bathtub in the master bath - - I’m pretty sure it is going to get some special treatment when I finally get to doing that room!!
Aren’t you in love?  Don’t you just want to go out and buy a ton?  The best part is that when it is time for us to move, all I have to do is unscrew the converter and put a light bulb back in it’s place - - no rewiring needed and my pretty can move with me!


  1. Good job with the light. Hey I love that Amy Butler bag you made. Did you get my message about the Happiness 101 award I sent you. I love your blog and thought you deserved it. I am a fan and follower, not a stalker, lol!

  2. I just found your blog and love it! You have some talent now, so thankyou for sharing it. I never knew there were lights like that-great idea. I am going to have a ceiling light problem shortly, we are remodeling our garage into a family room and where the garage door openers(2 of them) were are two plug-in outlets. I hope to be able to fix that little problem with some kinda creative idea. (I really don't want to have a pull chain light up there if at all possible). I am going to become a follower too. Thanks again.

  3. I had no idea they made such fabulous lighting conversion kits. I'm super impressed with your skills! Thanks for the tutorial. :)
    God's blessings,
    Sarah :D

  4. First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and comment on my blog! :)

    Second, I just love this little corner. It looks so peaceful...and kinda romantic! :)

  5. I love your blog so glad I found it! Now I can follow all your great ideas! The light who knew???? Thanks for the show and tell!!!!
    smiles, alice

  6. Hello! You don't know me from Adam, or Eve :) but, I found your blog by way of Infarrantly Creative (I also slipcover and reupholster things). I am so enjoying your blog (I learned several new tricks from you) after reading it for an hour!! I noticed your background and header (loved them right away) were from a blog (I cannot remember where-ugh) that I found and copied the .jpg of the teal bird header and buttons from also. So, I had your header (and the blank button .jpgs on my PC). I did a little Photoshop editing for you and (I hope you don't mind- I am just trying to be a blessing to say thank you for the ideas I gleaned *grin*) but I made a few banner ideas for you on my blog (which is VERY new, so be nice). And thought you might like a more customized, centered blog name? I am a Christian also, and just wanted to bless you, my sister :) On my blog, go to the tag cloud and look for "for you" and you can pick which one you like (save to your PC)- if you want to? Or ask me to do a different design/font- I would love to! Have a blessed day! ~Leslie

  7. thanks for sharing, i am your newest follower!

  8. Love all of your creative ideas! What a great way to add some style to that corner - did not know they had such things (conversion kits). Just a note on the idea of hanging one over your tub...just make sure that whoever is able to stand in the tub can't reach the light if you are changing it to the hanging one...water and electricity...not a good combination! Love your blog! especially the pillows fantastic idea!

  9. Really nice pictures ..... recessed lighting content is also looks nice ... like information about Recessed Lighting at VGK Lighting.

  10. Nice funky retro lamp - I love the idea of being able to personalize and customize your home decor. The result is having something unique that no one else doesRecessed Lighting
