Monday, March 1, 2010

Infarrantly Creative Chair Reupholstery (Deployment Projects #35 and #36)

I am so excited to share this next project with you!

Since the kids and I are in the middle of our big vacation/ United States Tour, we made a trip over to Indiana to see family and I got to go and hang out with a new friend.  Isn't the blog world fun?  Over the past couple of months, I have been conversing with a fellow blogger and found out that we had a lot of things in common.  When I found out that she lived in Indiana and that we used to live just down the highway from her, I was pretty excited!  So, when I started planning our big vacation/ US tour and my new friend kept telling me that she wished I was closer so I could help her reupholster her chairs and teach her how - - I decided to make that another stop on our tour!  I dropped the kids off at Grandma and Grandpas and headed on my way.  So, who was I hanging with?

This past week, I had the privaledge to hang out with Beckie from Infarrantly Creative! 
She's just as fun and sweet as you would think!!  AND, her kids are super adorable!!

So, here are her chairs before we touched them. 
I know that you are going to look at this and think that the chairs (there are actually 2 of them) are just fine, but they were pretty dirty and her's a little proof for you!
Here's Beckie with her fabric.  I arrived at Beckie's house on Thursday morning, we ran and got some supplies from JoAnn's, and some lunch, then headed back to her house to start the destruction process!  Beckie's fabric wasn't there when I got there, but just a few hours later, the FedEx man delivered the fabric!!

We worked our little fingers off redoing those two chairs.  But I think we did a great job on them.  I'm sure Beckie will have all the detailed instructions on her blog this week,  she took tons of step by step pictures - - I wasn't so disciplined about taking pictures!
Did you notice that we got rid of the skirt?  Doesn't it look so nice with that open bottom?  The legs were in great shape and after we spray painted all the wood black, and added the trendy fabric,  it really took the chair from an antique look to a very modern and trendy look!
The buttons for the tufting.

I had a great time hanging out with Beckie, learning lots of new things about blogging, sharing what knowledge I have about reupholstering, making a kazillion trips for more supplies, and making a fabulous before and after!!  Beckie taught me lots of things about blogging and hopefully making my blog better and I am hoping to start making some of those changes soon :)  Beckie, thanks so much for opening up your home and being such a great host!

Make sure you check out Beckie's blog this week to see what she has to say about our adventures!!


  1. What a wonderful treat for you to meet up and create with a fellow blogging friend! Her chairs have been beautifully refreshed and modernized, and I love their newly exposed legs. I can't wait to see what new and exciting things you have up your sleeve for your blog!

  2. Hi! Wow, I love your reupholstery project! I am so impressed!! I was looking for an area on your blog that talks about who you are, etc. and couldn't find one. I was just wondering where you learned how to reupholster?! I live in Omaha and have looked into learning and there isn't a place. Any suggestions?? I would love to learn! Thanks so much! Julie

  3. Julie - Thank you for your sweet comments!! One of my very good friends lives in Omaha!! I am self taught when it comes to reupholstery. I have a couple of books that I reference, but most if it is trial and error! In the next week or so I am going to be doing a step by step tutorial on some chairs that I am doing - - check back! Feel free to ask questions if you have any!!
