Monday, April 26, 2010

Amy Butler Sun Surf Halter (Deployment Project #77)

Just a simple project to share with you today.   If you are a new or beginning sewer - - this is the perfect beginner project for you!!  I love Amy Butler patterns - - to me, they are the easiest patterns and directions to follow!!

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This sweet little top is only 4 pieces of fabric and super simple.  But it looks so cute on my little model!!IMG_5034

We went to Mount Vernon last week for a field trip and I couldn’t resist getting some pictures of her with the Potomac in the background!!


On a side note - - if you are a beginning sewer and would love a step by step how to - - join up with Grosgrain for her Frock by Friday as she helps us make a compete dress by Friday.  Jump over there to find the link to the free pattern and make a dress along with her!!


  1. I love this simple little summery top. It makes me, a can-sew-straight-lines-only kind of girl, want to try out the pattern! You can never have too many cute tops for summer!

  2. Precious kiddos! Thanks for the tip on the patterns. I've long sewn pillows/draperies/upholstery parts, but making the jump to clothing is very intimidating for me. I'll have to check these out!
