Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Embroideries (Deployment Projects #67 - #75)

Seems it’s time to update you on some of the projects that have been going on around here in the Deployment Count.  Things seem to be going crazy around here.  With spring in the air, it seems new projects are popping up every day!!

So my embroidery machine has been working overtime lately!  I have had a ton of work embroidering things for friends and even some for myself.

I’ve done blankets,


and onsies,




and pillowcases,



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and a custom pillow.


Let me tell you about this pillow!!  My friend Michelle is getting ready to PCS (that’s army for permanently move Permanent Change of Station) to Germany.  Being the organized person that she is, she is making sure that she has all her decorating ducks in a row!  So my machine has been busy making stuff for her!  When they move, she is going to have her two little boys share a room and she is completely re-doing their room - - going with a vintage transportation theme.  It is going to be adorable.  The sheets that I personalized above are for her sons.   My favorite part is this pillow that I surprised her that will go on her chair that I am finishing up the re-upholstery job on tonight.


Isn’t it adorable?  I took this old graphic of 4 vintage airplanes found on the Graphics Fairy (one of my favorite go to sites!) cropped in on just one airplane.


Then I created a “company sign” for her boys own Transportation Company and added their names as pilots.  Next I had my embroidery program convert the graphic into an embroidery design and then embroidered it on a very thick weave textural fabric.  I am so pleased with how well it turned out.  I have never wanted a video camera more than when I showed my friend!  You would have thought I had just told her that she had won a million dollars!!  It was priceless!



And, just a little aside, here is another project I’ve been working on - - one of my favorite projects.  I’ve been teaching Charise how to sew.  Isn’t she just adorable?



She wants so badly to sew with me and be my little helper.  Right now we are just sticking to straight lines, but I have no doubt that someday, she will pass me up in her sewing skills!!


  1. Love that rustic vintage pillow. Your friend is going to love it. Another reup project? Do you sleep?

  2. I have always wanted an embroidery machine and that pillow makes me want one even more!! I'm going to have to research some now!

  3. I would love to have an embroidery machine and learn how to use it. My desire just shot up because that plane pillow rocks. I love it. Wow the possibilites you can do with your machine and the internet.

  4. The possibilities of your embroidery machine is like walking into chocolate heaven :-D

  5. Love love love that vintage pillow. I'm currently doing my son's room in vintage transportation also lol. I'm currently stationed in Germany & you can have your friend contact me so we can get her squared away wherever she's headed. She's sooooo right to get all her decorating stuff now cuz it's slim to nil pickings over here. Thanks for the site with the airplanes I was hunting all over for stuff like this.

  6. One more thing we have in common...I LOVE to embroider and sew!!!! We might just be sisters from another mother!!!! LOL

  7. oh I love that sweet little face, concentrating so hard!

  8. That pillow is fantastic! Mind if I ask what you use for digitizing? I'm using Embird, and I don't think I can just "tell" it to go digitize. Sounds like I need what you've got! ;)

    -- Kelley

  9. your pillow is amazing. It is a great idea, much better than printing the design. I am also wandering which digitizer you use.

  10. What a fantastic pillow!!! I'm so thrilled that you were able to use that image with your embroidery machine, I had no idea that was even possible! I'm so glad you linked this up today for Brag Monday.

  11. I love the look of concentration on her face...and her outfit!
