Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring Break

Wow!  What a great response to the “Half Way There” post and contest!  Thank you all so much for your encouragement during this deployment.  It feels good to be on the down-hill side, but it does feel like time is starting to go slower!
This past week was a productive week for me!  One of my best friends from college was here.  We did exactly what I thought we would do - - lots of pampering, shopping and late nights!  It was fabulous!  We also celebrated Charise’s 7th Birthday.
I did actually get some projects done while she was here, nothing big, but since we are counting, I thought I would share them with you.  But first, the big news of the day is that Re-upholstery 201 will be starting tomorrow and continuing through the rest of the week.  Many of you have been asking for a tutorial on a more complicated chair or even couches, so this next project is a great “stepping up in difficulty” project!
One of my first projects  (#55) to report is the most obvious.  I’ve been “spring cleaning” on my blog.  It was getting too messy and too busy - - so I went for a cleaner look…BUT now all my pictures have resized and things aren’t laying out correctly.  I wish I was more computer smart - - but that just wasn’t one of the gifts God gave me.  So – hang with me as I attempt to figure this all out!
header 1
None of my other projects were overly exciting  this week, but since we are keeping count, here is a quick list!
1 more bag (Project #56)


3 more pillows (Projects #57 – #59)
3 sets of curtains (Projects #60 - #62)


this is also a quick peek at a bigger project I am working on - - but more on that one later!IMG_4886

This set of curtains was a “re-make” of some curtains we found at World Market - - loved the fabric, but they needed to be tweaked a little.  I’m still waiting for “after” pictures, so for now you can just enjoy the beauty of the fabric!!

Join me tomorrow as we get started on a new chair for Re-upholstery 201



  1. oooo..loving the new clean look. i recently revamp my blogger blog. one thing that frustrated me was the photos. but my problem is that i chose to go to the new "editor" -- which would not let me choose the size or resize my photos. i went back to the old editor and now things are just peachy. it's under "settings" then "basic" at the bottom. don't know if that's your problem or not.

    and btw - do tell where you get your fabric! :)


  2. I'm so excited for Upholstery 201!! Yippee!! I just did a slip-cover/upholstery highbred of sorts (my first attempt at something like that), and it completely kicked my heiney! (I'm posting it sometime today, so check it out.)

  3. I am loving your reupholstering posts. I hope to apply some of these in my problem living room...



  4. I love the new layout! I just change my blog layout as well, it is amazing how much better "cleaning" up your page can make you feel! Can't wait to see what that fab fabric is used for!

  5. I love the new blog look. It is looks really clean. I am so glad you hit that half way point. I think the first half of our deployment went by really fast (i think having a baby does that naturally though) and it seems the last month has gone slow. But oh, how sweet the reunion will be. Right? And have I mentioned that I LOVE those BDU bags you make. (that is how I found you in the first place). LOVE IT. And love that fabric, can't wait to see you work your magic with it.

  6. Oooh, I'm so excited for 201! I just started my very first upholstery project this weekend and I am LOVING it! (now I just have to wait for my cording foot -it was special order- before I can finish it up!) I'll be waiting with baited breath. hehe

