Sunday, May 16, 2010

“Dear Jesus, Please make the time go by quickly.” Breaking 100 in the Deployement Project #’s!!

Along with their other requests and praises, my kids pray this every night before they go to bed.  They want the time until Daddy comes back home to go quickly.  I couldn’t agree more, but I do have to say that I believe God is answering their prayers!  I tell you what, the time is flying - - and that is a good thing, but I’m not sure if I can keep up!!  I did not even realize that my last post was two weeks ago!  Yikes!!

Thank goodness you all are patient, kind and loving readers!!  It is not for a lack of projects for me to post about, that is for sure!!  I have been sooooooooooo busy with projects, I feel like I have about a 100 to post (ok, maybe not 100 that might be an exaggeration) but actually finding the time to post seems to be the problem!!  Of course, tonight I am taking a project break while I  sit here writing a  post and  watching the Survivor Finale at the same time!!  Multi-tasking at it’s best.

So, here’s a Deployment Project Update:  (sorry, I didn’t take pictures of it all - - it’s that whole time management thing!!)

Since I last posted, I have made 14 pillows


Embroidered 4 more sheets


My mantra for now!  Keep calm and carry on!

Sewed 3 dresses and 1 shirt

IMG_5276 IMG_5277


Painted 2 more Station Signs


Re-upholstered 2 couch cushions

Sewed 3 camera straps


and Re-upholstered this sweet bench.


And - - through all of that I have taught school ( we are almost finished for the year - - wooohooooo!!!), kept the house fairly well maintained,  made it to they gym (although not as much as I would have like to!)  mowed the lawn (until the mower died, then I just gave up on that one!), chauffeured the kids back and forth to swimming, fencing, art lessons, guitar lessons,Awana,  and birthday parties, had my Mom and Dad visit for a long weekend to celebrate my birthday and Mother’s Day, had a great friend come this weekend and give me some “Design Intervention,”  picked up some sweet deals on craigslist (can’t wait to share those with you!) - - oh, and I even fed the kids a few well-rounded healthy meals! 

Whew!  See why there hasn’t been any posts lately?  That takes my Deployment count to 111!!!

I could sit and beat myself up about not posting as often as I would like, but I had a sweet new blogger friend, Linda, remind me in an email this week, “Looking forward to your next blog, but remember that your kids come first and your blog groupies understand that so we wait patiently.”    Thanks Linda!

Hopefully there will be more posts, more often, but I can’t promise that.   I can promise you that I do have some fabulous projects that I am currently working on and eventually I will post about them!! 


  1. Amy, so glad that time is going fast and looks like you are staying busy! You amaze me. I love the clothes you made. That shirt is very me! Hope the time continues to fly which I'm sure it will if you keep up this pace!

  2. Gosh, your list makes mine look measly! I did make one of the pillows from the post just below, it turned out fabulous! I found a ruffler foot that fit my machine at my local thrift store for $2! What better project to try it out?!

  3. Love you, friend! We'll be in town in early July... hope we can hang out then!

  4. you know what is funny is that just a couple of days ago I thought hmmmm...I haven't seen a post from Amy in a while...LOVE the dress with the ruffle very cute!
    praying it continues to go quickly

  5. You are a freakin BEAST! I loved the sign especially. We are currently at Ft. Campbell, hopefully going to Gordon when the hubby comes back from deployment #3. I love reading how you are making it through your hubby's deployment. You rock girly!

    p.s. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LURVE the dresses!!!

  6. I'm trying to remember what was the number of deployment projects I guessed that you'll end with by the time the hubby is back... it seems like your engine is stoked even further, more fuel to burn! I think at this rate you'll hit anywhere between 250 - 300! Woohoo!!

    We're very patient readers, take your time in updating :-D
