Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Surprise for Daddy!!

My friend Laura is a SUPER talented photographer - - like the real professional kind!!  I didn’t know that when I met her in our small group at church, then one day I stumbled upon her blog and realized that I already knew this talented lady!!  She volunteered to take some pictures of the kids and I to surprise Handsome Hubby with while he is deployed.


The plan was to take pictures outside, but it was actually too sunny outside and Laura just started clicking away inside our house.  She completely blew me away when I saw the proofs.  I don’t know about the rest of you, but the thought of pictures inside my house certainly doesn’t sound inspiring to me. 

Laura did an awesome job!  She made it look like we were in a magazine shoot or something - - and really, she made my house look amazing!  It sure does help that my kiddos are so CUTE!!!

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She captured us in our everyday activities.

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And she took some shots of me so that I can put an up-to-date picture of me on my blog!!

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We love you Daddy and we miss you so so much!!


We are going CRAZY without you!!


Laura specializes in engagement and wedding photography.  You defiantly need to check out her site and see all her work.  She  is getting ready to move to Fort Campbell, KY so if you are in that area, you may want to look her up!!


  1. Such adorable pics! Your kids are dolls are you look beautiful!!! Love the new hair color by the way! :)

  2. Oh my goodness, what an adorable family you have! I love love love your pictures. You look like you've stepped straight out of a magazine shoot and your home looks incredible. I bet it will make that hubby of yours even more excited to get home. :)

  3. Again, these photos of you and the kids are awesome! I don't think you guys could be any more photogenic!

    And I love your new profile pic too! I think it's cool that you chose a profile pic instead of the usual head on shot. It's very different and refreshing.

  4. What wonderful pictures! You guys are a beautiful family. I love, love, love the close-ups of your kids, and the one of you sitting with your feet towards the camera -- so fun! And the ones of you together are so sweet. I bet your hubby will be even more comforted by these pictures, taken in your home, than he would of ones taken outside. Love the blog, and thanks to you and your family for your sacrifice. :)

  5. Wow! What beautiful pictures. You are correct that your kids are darling. I'm sure that hubby will be thrilled to receive these and I think that it's great that they were taken inside. I think that it will be comforting to him to see all you so comfy and relaxed in your home.
    Your blog continues to inspire me. Send a thank you to your hubby for his service. It is greatly appreciated. And blessings to you and the kids for your sacrifice. I will pray that the remaining days fly by for all of you.

  6. You and the kids are adorable and your house looks a-mazing!! Your house looks like what I wish mine did! And I love your top! Great photography!

  7. How special. He is going to flip. You all look so good. What a great friend. Thanks for sharing.

  8. So happy I found your blog. God bless you and your family and I pray for your husband's safe return. I am happy to be your newest blog follower. Found lots of great stuff here!

  9. Such wonderful pictures and thank you for the sacrifices your family makes. I have several friends with husbands who deploy and all I have to say is that you women have sooo much strength in you! I admire you all!
