Monday, June 28, 2010

Guestroom Projects!

Welcome back to my guestroom!  Today were going to take a closer look at some of the projects in the room!


Did you notice those pictures on the wall?  I needed something to fill up that long white wall.  I had a book of shell prints, but no frames to fit them.  Remember, I was only using what I had in the house, so I had to get creative!  So, I carefully tore the pictures out of the book.


Can you see what I used to hang them?  T-pins.  Yup, I just stole them from my sewing table and pushed them in the wall.


I got creative on one and just added a little metal number tag.  It happened to be hanging out on my sewing table by the T-pins, so I just grabbed it and added it in.  I like to throw unexpected items in my decorating.  It makes people really look and be entertained by the details.


What do you think of my beach sign?    It makes me so happy!


I made it -- - in like 15 minutes!

I wanted something big for the opposite wall and I really wanted it to be my focal point.  It is the first wall you see when you look in the room AND this room is right at the top of our stairs, so you see it every time you go up or down the stairs.  I had the hooks and numbers sitting in the garage -- - I had bought them at Lowes a few months back I think the hooks were around $3 each and the numbers were $2.  So my total cost was $25


To make the sign, I screwed together three boards of slightly different widths and lengths.   I got the boards for free at a garage sale - - I didn’t cut even trim them down.   I left a little gap between each of the boards.  Then I quickly painted the boards with some blue paint I had on hand - - and when I say quick, I mean quick!  I just slapped it on there, letting the wood show through in some places.


After that, I sanded down the edges, screwed on the hooks, and nailed on the numbers.


To finish it off, I used my white sharpie paint pen (love it!) to write the word “beach” along the top.  It didn’t show up quite enough for me, so I grabbed my black sharpie pen and outlined the letters.


How about this little quick project…


Again, I apologize for forgetting about before pictures - - I get in the moment and forget to document, the creative juices are just flowing and I just keep going!   I had these fabulous family pictures and I really wanted to put them in the room.  Some people say you shouldn’t use family pictures in your decorating.  I say it’s my house, my family, and my pictures and I should decorate with what makes me happy!  And my family and my family pictures make me happy - - so dog-gone-it, I’m going to use them!

I had picked up this frame from Home Goods when we still lived in CA for $2.00.  I was white, banged up and had some crazy pictures in the openings.  I gave it a fresh coat of paint, cut scrapbook paper to fit the openings, and put one picture in each of the openings.  $2 art… You can’t beat that!

By the way - - -check out those pictures in the frame - - -are they not the best?!!  Those were our pre-deployment, pre-moving, family pictures done by the very talented Missie from Sunflower Studio.  We traded talent.  I re-upholstered a chair for her and she took our family pictures!


I still have some details to finish for the room, but really, the biggest thing I am missing for this room - - is guests!!  Whose coming for a visit?  I have 4 weeks to fill up before Handsome Hubby comes home for his two weeks of Rest and Relaxation (R&R).   Hoping these 4 weeks FFFFLLLLLYYYYYY by!

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  1. Oh how I want to stay in this serene room. How about I come in 5 weeks? TEE HEE...

  2. Enjoying your posts immensely... even read back one year plus. However, no post should ever be published prior to Spellchecking!

  3. Well, I love your beach sign! I have one that I'll be working on soon. Should of had it done by now, ack! I'm so behind!

    The 4 weeks will fly by. You keep yourself pretty darn busy!

  4. Oh Ms. Anonymous... I think the only blog where you'll find grammatical perfection is Bye Bye Pie!

    Amy, I would totally stay here! But not in the next 4 weeks... maybe sometime early next year, or a year from now when my parents no longer live near you! The Girl will be too big for a laundry basket by then, though! Hm...

    love the details! I also love recognizing things from your home here, repurposed!

  5. Love's even better that you used stuff around the house! Do you have other things you set out or leave empty for your guests to use?

  6. Thanks for showing us close ups of your projects...Totally love the frame with the scrapbooking paper and one photo. I WILL be stealing this idea!!:)

  7. Love all the little details you added to the room! I think the little metal tag is my favorite. Oh, okay, I love the numbers on the beach sign too! Thanks for sharing all the closeups of them. They add so much personality!

  8. I LOVE that you use so many things that you already have in your home! I am trying to convince myself to do that rather than run to TJ Maxx every other day! You've inspired me. :)

  9. The beach sign is great! Not my thing but my friend with a beach bungalow is going to adore it. Thanks for sharing!
