Friday, June 18, 2010

My version (Deployment Project #147)

I have had this picture in my “files” for over a year now - - I absolutely love this shirt.  I have no idea where I found it - - somewhere on the big world wide web!    I decided it was time to see if I could come up with my own version.


I started by buying two identical long sleeve cotton shirts on clearance for $1.99 each from Target.


Next, I cut out round petal shapes (I did a trial run with some extra jersey fabric I had on hand, just to make sure everything would work as planned, it works out well since you will be able to see the added pieces easily in the pictures.)  Once I knew that my process worked, I did cut all these pieces from the second shirt I bought.  This way I knew that my cotton fabric was going to match perfectly.

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After I cut the petal pieces, I ran them through my sewing machine.   Sewing a straight line down the center of the petal so that I could “ruffle” them.


Next, I ripped various sized strips of fabric.  Ranging in size from 1” – 2 1/2” wide.


I ran these through my sewing machine also.


Then I pulled the bobbin thread and “ruffled the long strips.


Now it was time to get artistic!  I started pinning my ruffled pieces onto my shirt.  Starting at the shoulder and adding pieces until it had the look that I wanted.


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After I was satisfied that it was going to work, I cut apart my second shirt and did the entire process with the grey fabric.


Since I bought the shirts on clearance, they were long sleeved.  A good thing for giving me lots of fabric to work with, but it is summer now, and it is HOT and HUMID here.  I am not a patient person (meaning, I did not want to wait until fall to be able to wear my new shirt!)  So I put the shirt back on my twin, then put one of my favorite tanks over the top.  I marked the armholes for the tank and cut my black shirt along those lines.

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Next, I cut a couple more strips 1” wide.  I folded them in half and attached those around the arm holes.  I just left the rough side to the edge since I wanted it to continue having the raggedy edge.


What do you think?  I’m quite pleased with the finished product!!


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  1. Great job! It looks just like the picture!

  2. Are you kidding me?! This is amazing! It looks so good, totally something I would wear, now if only the sun would come out here...

  3. Oh my goodness, you never cease to amaze. I'm always giddy when I see on my sidebar that you've posted something new -- you never let us down! Excellent job on the shirt. :)

  4. Oh so cute! You are now officially a fashion designer! You amaze me with your talent!

  5. This top is fantastic! It is so cute and you are so clever!!!
    I have missed a few of your recent posts so I'm off to have a catch-up.

  6. Good for you! That looks great. This is a project that would sit in my closet for months until I would finally ask my sister to do it for me. She's not afraid to tackle anything!

  7. It's fantastic, friend! great job! Love it that you can just run over to Target and find the right things on clearance now. :) Also, you cannot say any longer that you don't do clothes!!!

  8. I LOVE THIS!!! You did a fantastice job of making the ordinary extraordinary, the same old,same old so on-trend! And you look darn cute in it to boot!

    I want one, I want one!

  9. egads woman! you're brilliant! lauren@mylifeandmyloves

  10. I can't even tell you how excited this makes me!!!!!!!! why oh why didn't i see this yesterday before I ordered almost the same thing from Jcrew and spent too much!

  11. These are adorable, so cute and clever!

  12. That is adorable! SO CUTE! I saw a tutorial somewhere on something similar but yours turned out so much cuter! I have an entire cabinet full of knits just sitting here...I should make some of these!!

    I love coming here :)

  13. Love it! I posted something similar this week on my blog. It's all the rage! :)

  14. I love it!

    This is my first time commenting, but I am a frequent flyer.(Meaning I am in your archives a lot.:-D)

  15. I love your shirt, so creative. Thanks for showing us how you did it.

  16. love, love, love it! I bought that exact same shirt but took it back because it was WAY too tight on the I'll be searching for it in clearance LOL

    great job!

  17. seriously, for $4 you have a shirt that would probably cost $65 if you didn't make it. great job!

  18. I found you thru the Nesting Place; I just love what you've done with the shirts!

  19. Awesome - I think even I could try that out. Looks fabulous on you!

  20. Wow!! that is super cute.

  21. I'm new to your blog.. I absolutely love the way you did this tank top.. looks like you bought it that way.. I will definitely be trying this.

  22. This looks amazing!! we will be trying this project tonight!!!

  23. That's adorable! I bought two pink shirts on clearance,planning to do something similar, but now I'm just stretching them over my pregnant belly and wearing them that way.
