Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Charise’s Bedroom Reveal (Deployment Project #161)


Are you ready for the big reveal of Charise’s room?  Lots of pictures today!!  Originally I was going to do a pink and white, ruffley, vintage, little girls room…BUT, it just wasn’t working for me.  That’s not Charise.  She is so full of energy, so vibrant and brings so much joy to everyone around her, I had to change directions and go vibrant!


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I put the white quilt, the gingham balloon shades and pillows, and all the frills back on the shelf and pulled out this fabulous orange comforter set that we used three houses ago (it’s actually been in two garage sales since then, but never sold - - guess I know why now!)


I still need to add something more to the wall next to the bed, but I’m not quite sure yet - - -remember, I’m only using what I have or can re-do into something else!  So, perhaps that will be another deployment project!!

I took the door off the closet and hung a curtain instead.   The door couldn’t actually close with the bed where it is,  and it blocked her cute hooks that I showed you yesterday!  It is amazing that such a small change can make such a huge difference, the room seems so much bigger without that door in there!


I picked up this vinyl clock on clearance at Target a few months back - - this is also what the leftover vinyl birds were from.  Look above the doors and wall art for those!


Remember these chairs from Re-upholstery 101?  I have been trying and trying to find a place for them in my house.  I love them sooooo much, but I just did not have a place that they worked.  So, what’s a girl to do, but plan a room around them!  I used the same fabric for the top of the curtains.  (These curtains hung in our living room in CA, they just had different fabric on the top - - I simply clipped the new fabric to the top and tucked the bottom edge of the fabric into the braided cording edge - - -I’m telling you, make it easy, make it simple - - there was no need to make new curtains, I just needed to repurpose what I already had)


Speaking of repurposing… I just spray painted her old pink chandelier turquoise.


I hung a sweet little mirror right at Charise’s height so she can primp and fix and beautify herself all she wants!


The two chairs that have finally found a home!

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A sweet room for a very sweet girl!!


*thanks Laura Kay Photography for all the awesome pictures of  my beautiful baby girl!!


  1. The room is almost as beautiful as your precious girl...almost;)!

    I love the colors that you feminine and yet fun at the same time! Love love love!


  2. What a sweet room for a lovely little lady.
    The punch of colors really works

  3. Sensational!
    You are one clever lady and one amazing Mum!
    What a wonderful makeover and very inspiring.
    The curtains on the windows and the closet are the standouts for me in addition to the 'too cute' photos of Charise herself.

  4. You have done an awesome job...I know she Loves it!!

  5. I love the orange and turquoise together. It turned out so cute! Not as cute as Charise though. She's just adorable!

  6. That's adorable! That bird fabric is one of my ALL TIME favorites...I have used it for a ton of projects...mostly outfits for my kiddos! I could do every surface of my house in it and not get tired of it :) I bet she was thrilled!


  7. It turned out amazing. You are so talented! I can't wait to see what you did in your Cameron's room.

  8. I love love love all the turquoise! So cute.

  9. I love those colors! I turned out great!!

  10. Her room turned out sooo precious! I would love a room like that!

  11. So pretty! What a lovely room for a gorgeous girl!!! I'm definitely bookmarking this for some ideas when I re-do my own daughter's room soon ... Great job!

  12. I love the colors and the items you used to decorate her room!
