Thursday, August 26, 2010

Master Bedroom Final Reveal (Deployment Projects #180-188)

Let me start off by saying that I am going to do what every good blogger would tell me not to do.  I am going to cram a zillion projects and pictures into one post.  The reason?  We started school today.  OVERWHELMED would be an understatement for me right now!  I realized today just how much Handsome Hubby balances me.  When I am having a bad day or I am overwhelmed, he can always balance me out and bring me back to sanity!

I realized today that the older my kids get, the harder their school gets, and the more time and focus it is going to require from me.  So, in an effort to be able to focus on my kids and their education - - instead of dragging this reveal out over a time span, you get it all today.  So that tomorrow when I am trying to teach, I don’t have a blog post trying to compose itself in my head!!  This also means that posts may be fewer and farther between, at least until we can figure out our new “normal.”

So, with that in mind, here is the final product!!  There is still some work to be done, obviously I still need some stuff to put on the walls, but I don’t want to hang something there just because it is what I have, I want to put things that I love on the walls, so in the meantime, they are going to remain blank!








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As you can see, I have completely rearranged the room.  Moving the bed in front of the window did three things:  it finally gave me a place where the bed could be centered (all the other walls make the bed not centered on another area - - it just was not working for me), it helped make the room seem a little bit smaller compared to looking in through the doorway and seeing the long bed way on the other end, and lastly, it put it under the air vents in the ceiling so that we actually get some air at night instead of roasting!! 

I was apprehensive of covering up the window, but with the two side windows, we still get plenty of natural sunlight and as a bonus, at night I can open the blind behind the bed and get a great view of the moon and stars!


One of the projects for this room was slip-covering this chair.  I used the same method that I used for my dining room chair slipcovers, except that as I sewed the seams, I put a flat flange edging in the seam.  You can find my tutorial on flat flange here.  The chair was a fantastic Craigslist find - - chair and ottoman for $60.  They were in great condition and super lightweight (always a plus when you move often and have weight restrictions!).  The only thing wrong with it was that it is a yellow plaid, not the look I was going for in here, so it was the perfect candidate for a slipcover.


I wanted to bring some of the coral over to this side of the room, so I embroidered one of my birds onto the coral fabric and made it into a pillow.


This chaise was on etsy also - - except that it was a friend/client of mine who had it listed, so I traded pillows and cushions for it.  It is my new favorite spot to lounge and read in my room!!  I know the walls are still blank in that corner, but I am looking for the perfect lamp to go next to the chaise and I don’t know what I want for the walls yet!!  :)


Next it was time for window treatments.  I love this fabric.  It is a vintage looking floral linen.  If I had enough of this fabric I would have lined the walls with it!!  It has the French blue in it that I have throughout my house along with the pop of coral and pink.  Not enough coral and pink to make my husband hate it, just enough to give the room an unexpected pop of color!  I made really simple balloon shades using shirring tape on the edges.  The centers are just pinned so that when we move, I can adjust everything if the windows are a different size.  On either side of the bed, I just hung the fabric in long panels to soften the edge between the headboard and the window frame.



This little settee was another craigslist find:  $75.  I absolutely love it!  When I first started working on the room, I re-upholstered this in a blue/green velvet.  It looked really pretty, until I put it in the room.  Then I hated it.  Every time I would start working on the room, I knew that something was wrong, but I just couldn’t put my finger on what it was.  Then one day, I was playing around with my fabrics to go on my bed, when I set a piece of coral fabric on the settee.  Suddenly I knew what was wrong - - the blue/green was not working in that room.  I grabbed Cameron and together he and I ripped off the fabric and had the settee re-upholstered in 45 minutes flat (including ripping the old off!)!!  Obviously it is an easily done piece.  It uses the same techniques that I showed you in my re-upholstery 101 series.

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I will admit that this project isn’t finished yet, I still have to put the double cording around all the edges.  I was really hoping to be able to buy a finished braiding that would match the coral - - but I have not been able to find anything that even remotely matches.

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This desk was my old sewing table.  Needless to say, the top was very scratched up!  I love this desk, I got it at a garage sale in CA for $30.  I almost didn’t get it because I really wanted to talk them down to $20 (I’m cheap).  I am so glad that I did splurge and spend the extra $10.  Knowing how much I have used it and how sturdy it is, I would pay way more than that for it now!  After having a sewing machine, pins, and scissors all leaving their mark on the top of it for the past three years, it was in need of some TLC.  I decided to just give it a fresh coat of white paint and some new hardware. 


Handsome Hubby has been asking for a place of his own where he can have his books and computer and be able to spread out without me telling him that I need more room to lay fabric out in his workspace!  This is the perfect place for him.  When he came home for R&R and I showed him that he had this spot all to himself, he couldn’t have been happier.  Now, when he comes home for good and goes back to school to finish up those last 3 classes he needs for his Masters, he will have the perfect study spot just waiting for him!


Well, that is my Master bedroom in all it’s glory.  Yes, it still has some gaps to fill in, but it much better than it was before.  It works for me now.  It kind of feels like a hotel room, with plenty of comfy seating, a desk to work at, and a big inviting bed!  It is now one of my favorite rooms in the house!!


Nicola said...

Amy this looks amazing! No wonder your HH was so impressed, you have really outdone yourself this time!
I am loving the way you have positioned the bed - and everything else in there well!
Thanks for sharing, and I hope you all get your school balance back soon.

Cheryl said...

Everything looks great...even the bed in front of the window. I have heard most designers say it's a no, no, but in your case, I think it works. having the bed there really makes the room flow well.
Hoping you have a blessed school year. I used to homeschool many moons ago and you are so right...when they get older we have to focus more on what we are teaching them.

Mrs. Kelley Dibble said...

After 29 years of marriage and 19 moves, I agree with the word WAIT. Wait to hang/sew/install what you love. Don't settle with NOW. To wait is better. Next, when I first saw the BEFORE bedroom, I mentally noted, The bed should go in front of those windows. Looks marvelous there. I'm so thrilled you love your AFTER bedroom and so does your HH. You two are who matters!

Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said...

Everything looks so pretty. I just love the fabric you chose for the windows. The color in it are great. I am amazed at how large that room is!

Ells said...

Amy, it looks awesome! The bed is PERFECT in the new spot; it totally changes the feel of the room. I can just imagine how excited your husband was to come home to this gorgeous retreat!

Charo said...

Fantastic, everything looks great!!!

April said...

looks great!...I'm glad you survived your first day of school, I can imagine that it gets harder as the kids get older...I probably couldn't make it much past 6th grade math :)

Mom in High Heels said...

It looks great! I love the bed in front of the windows! Great job.

Cheri said...

WOW what a transformation! Everything look so fantastic that I can't compliment just one thing. You really made that room look inviting and relaxing. I'm sure that it was your hubby's favorite room.

Faith's Place said...

NIce job Amy!!!!! YOur work is amazing!

Kristi H. said...

Hello, My Friend! First off, I'm SO glad you and the kiddos had an awesome time with Jason temporarily home. Sounds like you guys did some fun and exciting things! I know firsthand, however, that the sweetest thing is truly just "being" together again as a family. I hope and pray that the rest of this deployment zips along quickly for all of you, and safely for him as well.

And your master bedroom makeover cannot go unmentioned! What an incredible transformation! It's great to see so many of the ideas we originally talked about come to fruition and how you came up with solutions for the areas you were struggling with. And I love, love, love the slipcover you did on the craigslist chair! That little blue flange trim is such a fun and unexpected detail! Beautiful work, My Friend!

Anonymous said...

Really beautiful! I love the colors you chose for the room! Happy Weekend:)

Sonnie said...

Absolutely stunning. Love the fabric you used on the windows! The upholstered pieces are beautiful. LOVE the desk. Beautiful, cozy bedroom!

Douglas said...

LOVE.IT. I think the random coral pops are great. And I was thinking, maybe some sconces for the walls by the chaise? Well done and I'm sure HH was so proud of you!!!Enjoy the start of school...Marissa

Jane said...

All I could say is Wow! Your project really added character to the room. I wish I could do that too.

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Laney said...

I love the chaise! I recently reupholstered my living room couch in that same toile. It is such a lovely, and forgiving fabric.


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