Thursday, September 16, 2010

Re-upholstery and a Refashioned Frock (Deployment Projects #198 &199)

Ha!  I did it!!! - - I know it only says 199 projects, but number 20o is already done and I will be posting it tomorrow!!!  I thought it would be fitting to have just one more re-upholstery project on here before Handsome Hubby’s return.  With the completion of this re-upholstered bench, I have a final count of 24 re-upholstery projects during this deployment - - wow!


This was just a simple, curved arm bench, in desperate need of a fabric facelift!  The owner of this bench, loves to throw in a little animal print in every room in her house.  She is in the process of decorating her master bedroom and decided that a little cheetah was just what her bench and her bedroom needed!

  IMG_6031 IMG_6030

The second project for today is just a simple re-fashioning of one of my shirts.  I love this shirt, but it was just a little too tight for comfort.  I found myself wanting to wear it, but always choosing to not wear it because I knew I would be uncomfortable in it.  So, I decided to re-work it and let it be a super cute shirt for Charise.

IMG_6010  IMG_6017

IMG_6015 IMG_6019

All I simply had to do was take in the side seams by about 2” on each side, which also made the arm holes her size.  Then I simply stitched together half way up the neck opening so it’s not showing off too much!!  Charise is super excited that she has a shirt that Mommy used to wear and I’m happy that my cute shirt will now get to be worn again!


Oh, by the way, did you notice the calendar in the picture above?

Here let me show you again….see those arrows?


What, you say you can’t see it well enough to see them?  Look closer!


Yup, it says we are only 1 day away from Daddy/Handsome Hubby leaving for home!!!! 


  1. I love your calendar! Do you have a tutorial on it?

    And I'm so happy that your husband will be home so soon. His service (as well as your family's) has my utmost respect and gratitude.

  2. I'm tickled cheetah! The bench results were spectacular, and Charise looks beautiful in her 'new' shirt! Good job! Blink and your man's home! I'm so excited for y'all!

  3. I'm giving everything you covered today a great big WOOHOO!!! But what I think is the most wonderful thing of all is J's super close impending return. ;)

  4. congratulations...I"m so happy your family will be whole again. Much gratitude to Handsom Hubby for his service, and for your ENTIRE family for their sacrifice during this tame. We are forever indebted.

  5. I can't believe how grown-up Charise looks!!! So tall and elegant!

    We love you all, and can't wait to hear that you're reunited... plus we can't wait to hang out with you ourselves. Have a great time together, dear friend!!!

  6. I just had the BEST time flipping through page after page of your projects! You are one BUSY mom!!! I love your work and your style! By now your handsome hubby is home with his family...glad your long wait is over and you can put your projects aside and soak him in for a while!
