Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Special Thank you gift (Deployment Project #189)

When Handsome Hubby was home on his two weeks of R&R, we took a little vacation down to southern Virginia to our friends family farm.  We had a fabulous time!  Mamie and Pop Pop were the best hosts!  One of the best things about going there was that Handsome Hubby and I had a place all to ourselves.  The kids stayed in the house with the rest of the family and Handsome Hubby and I stayed in the chalet.  IMG_5879

Mamie and Pop Pop

Mamie and Pop Pop took an old corn-crib and completely re-did it making it into the perfect vacation chalet.  It had a large living room with tons of windows to enjoy the mountain views, a bedroom, full kitchen and full bathroom.  Absolutely everything that one could need or want.


You wouldn’t guess that it used to be a corn crib!

We had such a great time there and appreciated so much everything that they had done for us.  Mamie did  not let me lift a finger while I was there.  She (and the rest of the family) made all the meals and did all the clean-up.  They just really wanted our family to have a time and place that we could relax and reconnect.


I really wanted to let them know how much we appreciated everything, so I came up with a little “thank you” gift for them.  I made this custom embroidered pillow for them with a picture of the chalet on the front. 

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I sketched a picture of the chalet, scanned it into my computer, then ran it through my embroidery program and had it converted into an embroidery, which I then embroidered on to a linen fabric.  I then made that into a pillow.  I absolutely love how it turned out and by the “Thank you” card I got from Mamie and Pop Pop, so did they!!

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Thanks again for a wonderful time!!!

In other exciting news, Handsome Hubby has informed me that in less than 20 days he will be headed back home!!!!  That means that by the end of this month, he will be home for good!!!!  I’m sooooooo excited!  We have been waiting for this day for a long time!  I still have quite a few deployment projects that I want to finish up, but at this point in time, if I don’t finish them, I don’t even care!!  I’m just so ready to have him home!


  1. I am really happy to read this post. You all deserved that relaxing time together. Loved the pillow. I can't wait for 20 days to pass for you!

  2. The chalet is just so cute! I love the pillow you made too. You sketch so well. And nothing is better then hearing that your hubby will be home soon! Less then 3 weeks, before the end of the month, he'll be here for the holidays! Hurray!

  3. Oh, thank God! Hubby's soon home! And what a gift your friends gave your fam. Honestly, I choked up. So kind. Y'all deserve it, and may God bless them.

  4. Congratulations!!! I'm nearing the 6 month mark in our 12 month deployment so it's always rewarding to hear that someone else is nearing the end.

  5. That is seriously the best gift for such a great gift given to you!

    And congratulations on having your hubby come home soon!

  6. I know you are so thrilled to have a date for your hubby to be home!

    You are seriously talented. Your special pillow is amazing!

  7. What a sweet little chalet. I love the pillow. I have to ask though, what is a corn crib???

  8. I seriously have tears in my eyes and am rejoicing that you were spoiled (as you should have been!). We had clueless family during our deployments who made it even more stressful.

  9. Hey girl - LOVE the pillow!! You did a great job on it. I'm sure it will be a cherished treasure for many years to come!! Continuing to pray for HH until he is safe back home!!!!

  10. Amy,

    I haven't had a chance to leave comments as I'm usually stopping in, reading, wishing, and stealing ideas and then running on to do stuff here at the office, but I wanted to say that I am so excited for your family to have hubby/dad home for good! You are such an inspiration both for your creativity and for your steadfastness as a military wife. My prayers are with you and your family!


  11. That pillow is a brilliant work of art! You are too clever and talented, My Friend!

    SO, SO, SO happy and excited for you all to be reunited with each other much sooner than later! That is just fantastic and so heartwarming!

  12. You're amazing! What a great gift. :)

    I'll echo all the others and say how excited I am for your long separation to be over! My own amazing man got a call from your HH this morning; it was fun to hear his voice get excited when he realized who it was, and to know that they were getting to connect. Can't wait for post-November when we can all hang out!!

    break out the pomegranate martinis!

  13. I know you have probably said this before, but what kind of embroidery machine do you have..?
    I am thinking of getting one, and love the things that you do.

  14. What a lovely personalised gift idea - great sketch! So happy to hear that your Handsome Hubby is on his way home in less than 20 days!
    I often think of you and your family and wonder how you are doing.
    My Handsome Hubby is invovled with upgrading Defence Bases here in Australia, so many of our friends are either Army or RAAF families. My heart goes out not only to our brave friends as the fight our battles on foreign soil, but also for the families that they leave behind. Your blog is an inspiration not only for the amazing talents you share with us in blog land - but also for the strength of character you show in raising your family and supporting your Handsome Hubby!
    Thanks for sharing!

  15. Oh, yea!!! 20 days is a cakewalk compared to how long you guys have waited already. I hope it just flies by for you and the kids!

    About the pillow -- WOW. I bow down to your incredible embroidery skills! I thought I was hot stuff 'cuz I monogrammed a couple of cute burp cloths last night. I'm not worthy! ;)

  16. Oh my gosh -- I'm a dope. I hope the 20 days flies by for you, the kids, AND HANDSOME HUBBY!!!

  17. So sweet the kindness of others. What a special weekend that must of been.
    Great job on the pillow. I don't have an embroidery type sewing machine...but I didn't even know you could scan something in and then have it emnbroider. That is sooo cool.
    Happiest news yet to hear that your hubby will be home very soon!
    So happy for you.

  18. What wonderful news! I hope time goes by quickly for you all!

  19. I just stumbled across your blog via Infarrantly Creative... Needless to say I have spent wayyyy TOO much time this evening reading "back" posts. I am so happy your hubby will soon be home from deployment!! I too am married to a wonderful Christian serviceman (20 yrs of marriage!!!) We have been so blessed as his current assignment is a "non-deployable" position (for the moment!) I plan to keep coming back to your blog!

    Please thank your husband from us for his willingness to serve our country!! I know in this day and age so many rally against the military but it is due to the selfless acts of those like your husband that we still have our freedoms!! Thank you!!
