Thursday, November 18, 2010

All is well - - just busy!!

Have you been wondering where I have been at?  I have!!  We have been enjoying our reunion so much.  Handsome Hubby had over a month and a half off before he had to go back to work.  In fact, he just went back last week.  I have to tell you we were definitely spoiled!!  But, i am so super thankful that he is able to come home every evening and have dinner with us!!

I have been working on projects, but things have been so crazy that I just have not had the time to document them.  I promise I will get back to blog word - - -it just may take me a while while our family figures out the new normal!!

I did want to share with you all that I am guest posting on Infarrantly Creative’s blog this next week.  Becky is doing a fantastic series called Pennywise Presents.  An entire series devoted to Crafty gift ideas for the Holidays that are $10 or less!!!  Fantastic!

So, although there is nothing new going on my blog any time soon - - - jump over to Infarrantly Creative and get some fabulous crafty gift ideas!!

Saved pennies spilling out of a Santa stocking.