Thursday, November 18, 2010

All is well - - just busy!!

Have you been wondering where I have been at?  I have!!  We have been enjoying our reunion so much.  Handsome Hubby had over a month and a half off before he had to go back to work.  In fact, he just went back last week.  I have to tell you we were definitely spoiled!!  But, i am so super thankful that he is able to come home every evening and have dinner with us!!

I have been working on projects, but things have been so crazy that I just have not had the time to document them.  I promise I will get back to blog word - - -it just may take me a while while our family figures out the new normal!!

I did want to share with you all that I am guest posting on Infarrantly Creative’s blog this next week.  Becky is doing a fantastic series called Pennywise Presents.  An entire series devoted to Crafty gift ideas for the Holidays that are $10 or less!!!  Fantastic!

So, although there is nothing new going on my blog any time soon - - - jump over to Infarrantly Creative and get some fabulous crafty gift ideas!!

Saved pennies spilling out of a Santa stocking.


  1. Glad to hear you enjoyed your time with hubby! Can't wait to see what you have been up too. :)

  2. glad you and Jason have been enjoying your time together, I am happy he gets to come home every night...I've missed your blogs but totally understand :)

  3. is it weird to say, I was just thinking about you today? I don't know you, haven't met you, but I love what you tackle and can't wait to see what you have in store for us when you get back!

  4. Every time I see your blog at the bottom of my list of watched blogs organized by last post date -- it makes me smile to think you guys are spending your time as a family. Missed your posts, but I think everybody understands!!!

  5. I totally agree with what Meg commented - I've never met you but love to see what you are working on. Glad you are able to spend time with your family right now - tell Handsome Hubby "Thank you" for making such a huge sacrifice for all of us!

  6. Welcome back to the world, glad to hear you and your family are finding your new normal.

  7. So glad to see you back in bloggy land! I was checking in every now and then, but would smile every time I saw that you'd been on - because I knew that you were getting precious time with your family as a whole!

    Fill us in on what you've been up to! can't wait!

  8. glad to hear all is well and you are enjoying being a "family" again. That's gotta be the new normal for you all.
    Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
    off to check out your post at infarrantly creative.

  9. Can't wait to see all your goodies...enjoy your family time!!
