Wednesday, November 26, 2008

First pictures of the Amazing Garland!!!

As soon as hubby got home tonight I asked him if he knew where the camera was, of course he did, it was on the shelf right next to the hook where I usually hang it. But of course I didn't see it because I didn't want to turn on the lights to look because I have all the Christmas lights up and I love how they look and I didn't want to ruin the mood by turning on overhead lights!

So these are the first pictures of the garland in my dining room. I am going to try to get some better pictures tomorrow when the sun is out and hopefully the room is clean! :) We don't have a fireplace in our house, and I really miss decorating one for the holidays, so I make do with what I have and what I have is a whole wall of bookshelves with our "homeschool" hutch in the center. We keep all our books, posters, pens and homeschool whatnots in there. You can see just a glimpse of the branches that I hung on the ceiling above our table. That will be a separate post! Feathers and japanese lantern flowers along with the huge pinecones I collected while we were at Sequoia National Forest this past summer. When I saw them, I knew I had to have them for decorating this Christmas.

I love, love, loooovvvveee these sayings that you rub on. I found this one on clearance at Target ($5) woohoo! I think it looks great on this mirror that is on top of the hutch - - I also wonder why it was on clearance when it isn't even Thanksgiving yet.....hmmmm maybe it was just a God treat for me!


  1. wheeee! So beautiful, Amy! I can't wait to pay my $10 to see the inside of your house again. :) seriously, you have done a great job!

  2. Wow! Beautiful. I wanna come over for Christmas...

  3. Wishin' I was there to offer my raves and reviews! Looks great, as usual. Can you come over here for a few minutes and help me with my decorations?? Hope ya'll had a nice Thanksgiving. I'll email you my phone #... sorry I keep forgetting!!
