Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tour of Homes 2008

Each year on post the OCSC has a fundraiser called Holiday Tour of Homes. We were privelaged to be a part of it both last year and this year. It is a blast to decorate the home in expectation of around 100 women and husbands walking through your home. A little stressful at times too! I will try to put as many pictures on here as I can. If you were not able to attend the tour, go and grab a cup of coffee and sit back and enjoy your own personal tour brought to you via the internet!

This is on our front porch as we welcome you into our home.

As you walk in, to your right is our family room. The stained glass window was Jason's present to me on our 8th anniversary.

A little Holiday message on the entry way wall. I love those vinyl rub on stickers. I sure hope I am able to save them for next year! Any ideas on how to save them?

The next area of our home you walk in to is our dining room / kitchen. We decided to move our table in here so that we would be closer to the kitchen and because it is the biggest room in the house and our table is huge! It has worked out well. Remember the "magical hanging indoor forest" Well here are the best pictures I could get of it and also of the "amazing garland" that I made. The Nester is having a Mr. Linky party tomorrow for garlands and I am hoping to figure out how to post mine on there. (and hopefully have a link on here also)

I have a zillion more pictures to post - - I do have the entire upstairs to show you yet, but for fear of losing what I have already done, I will post it in a second post. I hope you have enjoyed the tour so far!


  1. LOVIN IT!!!!!! I am so glad it went well... as usual! Your house looks great! Miss you!

  2. Okay, I actually swore a little bit when I was looking at your pics. You go all out! It's beautiful! The magical forest is pretty spectacular. Meanwhile, I don't even put up a tree... I'm lame.

  3. Oh my is all so beautiful. I love the color schemes....what is that color on the walls in the living room? And love the window treatments in there too. The trees are beautiful. Awesome job!

  4. And I'm back because are really talented. And I'm not that easily impressed sister. Are you a decorator? Tell me where to find that pumpkin colored bed spread. Tell me all your secrets!!!

  5. Your house is amazing. I love the light above your kitchen cabinets. I am discussing how to do it in my house with my husband right now. Thanks for the great tour.

    Merry Christmas!!!!!!

  6. Great color combinations! It looks beautiful! Thanks for the tour!


  7. I came over via Kimba's.
    The decorations are absolutely adorable!
    I hope you'll visit soon, I will have my last giveaway of December this Friday.

  8. Thanks for the great comments!! I'm not a decorator as far as professionals go, but I do enjoy decorating and gladly help out anyone who asks!!! Orange bedspread - - - clearance at TJ Maxx - - gotta love it! Merry Christmas all!
