Wednesday, December 10, 2008

More Tour of Home picts!

Our bedroom - - Jason snuck those stuffed animals on the bed right before the pictures were taken! Actually there is a cute story behind them. Last time that Jason deployed, the kids and I made him a build a bear puppy. One where you can record your own message (that's his on the right) and then he made one for each of us (mine is the teddy bear on the left) So sweet - - just maybe not for decorating for tour of homes! The kids room. Remember those pictures a few posts back that showed that I was re-doing my work room.... well, here is the room that used to be the workroom. It is now the kids room. We got them matching beds with storage drawers underneath. It turned out really cute. I hung branches above each of their beds, and then decorated the branches with lights, beads, the letters of their names and birds. They really are to die for!
We took the closed door off and put some curtains up, it has become Cameron's lego building area!

Keep checking back, because the next post is going to be my new work area. A great improvement from the last mess you saw!!!!

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