Friday, December 12, 2008

Workroom Redo

Remember these pictures of my workroom - - the before pictures - - -the pictures I am embarassed to even post, but since the afters are so great, I will risk embarassment... Just another view to embarass myself with!
Ta Da! The afters! We took the closet doors off so that I could have easy access to all of my fabric (ok, just all of it that will fit in the closet!). The clipboards on the wall are for my orders. My friend Kristi made them for me. Each one is labeled for a different category (bags, reupholstery, quilts, and curtains) The little work table next to the closet is Cameron's school desk. It works out well to have his desk next to mine, so that while he is working, I can be working and going back and forth between buisness woman and homeschool mom! Notice the glass jar of legos... that is our motivator. Cameron is all about legos right now, so some days, when he is having a little trouble concentrating or on days when he is just doing a great job on things and needs to be rewarded, he can earn legos! Especially on math - - 1 lego for every problem that is correct in the set amount of time. It works fantastic!

My fabulous window mistreatment with a ragamuffin garland and a banner by my friend Kristi. (She should really have a blog - - I keep trying to convince her!) The banner spells out INSPIRE but it is hard to see in the lighting of the picture. Nothing on these curtains is sewn - - not even hot glued for that matter! I find it funny that I make custom window treatments for other people, yet in my own home, I don't sew, I just glue and clip and pin!! People probably wouldn't hire me if they looked closely at my home!!!

My fabric wall of "F" s. I love my fabric wall. Since we live in army housing, it is hard to do any special painting techniques. The walls are already textured, so any special brush ones just don't work (trust me I have tried!) I really wanted to make my work room a fun place to be since I am in there most of the day working and teaching school. I took one of my favorite fabrics that I had on hand and just stapled it to the wall. You see on the edges, that I was just about 4" short of having enough on each side, so I took a second fabric and stapled it on each edge. The I bought every shape and size F that I could find in a 200 mile radius (which if you knew where I lived, in the middle of nowhere in the Mohave Dessert, means that I only had about 3 store choices!) and covered them with different scrapbooking papers and even wrapping paper! I hung a great clearance mirror (thank you Home Goods $7) in the middle of them all and hot glued a fancy F to the middle of it. I have one more wall in my work room, but that one requires a post of it's own, so hopefully I will get to that soon!

The bulletin board above my sewing table was a dumpster diving find! It was a horrible gold spraypainted oddity! I sprayed it black and then took an old shower curtain of mine that was black and white toile and stapled it to the inside. I use upholstery tacks to keep my notes and ideas up there! I love it and it was completely free since I had everything on hand - - except the frame but that was free, just had to be a little daring to jump out of the van and grab it from someone else's trash! :)


  1. I love that you're sharing your beautiful home and all the fun projects from Tour of Homes that you've done! And you even mentioned me! How sweet are you? ;) Maybe I could be convinced to start a blog if you help me start one up...


  2. Looks so good, HM! I have a fun project I'm working on, and keep thinking of you and how much fun it would be to sit on the floor and make them together! Maybe I'll call you... :)
