Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Everyone's gotta have shoes!! - - - it's a giveaway!!

So, I found this great tutorial online for baby shoes... They are adorable. Here is the link.
These are the easiest little project and they make great baby shower gifts!!

This first pair is a beautiful green and brown toile with matching brown ribbons and a green button to finish it off. Too cute!

These next two pairs are for a set of twins. One has yellow accents and the other has green. I'm telling you, these are so cute!

You know what... I think that these are so cute that I am going to make a pair for a giveaway! Wouldn't it be fun to have a giveaway on my blog? Yes, I think it would. Here's the deal... ever since Christmas when I had the tour of homes blog, I have gotten lots of hits and lots of people visiting, but your all like little ghosts. You drop in, but I never see you :) So, I'm going to do a giveaway. If you leave a message and tell me how you found my blog, you will be entered in the giveaway! Now some of you may be thinking that you don't have any babies, and are not intending on having any soon, but these would make great baby shower gifts also, so go ahead, come out of the woodwork and let me know who you are and see if you can't win a pair of these adorable shoes!!


  1. HA! I am the first to comment!! You know I am your biggest fan, girl! And, the shoes are adorable!! Miss you!

  2. I found your blog from Autumn!! Cute, cute shoes!! If I don't win, I want directions on how to make them!!

    Lisa Martin

  3. The little shoes turned out SO cute, Amy! Just darling! And you know who's going to get the toile ones if I win!

  4. Yay Amy, a giveaway!! Those shoes are so adorable! Everything you do is incredible! You are blessed with great talent! Love you and miss you!

  5. I found your blog by... you telling me about it! In fact, you totally got me into blogging. Even if I don't win the shoes, will you make me some when we have kids? Whenever that happens? :)

  6. Ells showed me your site.

    Cute shoes! My 10 month old LOVES shoes... she's a girly-girl in training. :)

  7. I think I'd actually like a pair for myself. Very fun.

  8. Hey! Put my name in the hat again!! Hey Charise, pick me!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi Amy! I miss being in close proximity to your creativity. You make such pretty things. I had been to your blog before, but I came back today because Tiffany Johnson, another one of my favorite creative people, put a link up on Facebook.

    Kimberly B

  11. well... since you said it's okay... I guess I kind of have to enter again. :)
