Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Last Chance!

So.... today is your last chance to enter for the giveaway on these cute shoes!!
When you do a giveaway, it is important to let everyone know when it is going to end and how you are going to choose the winner! Now a more experienced blogger would have thought that through and put it on the original post, but since I am not the more experienced blogger, I will let you know today :) So.... the giveaway is going to end tomorrow at noon my time and I will put all the numbers of replys in a hat ( I wouldn't do this if I had a ton of entries, but since all the unknowns have chosen to stay unknown - - ok almost all - - - ) and I will have Charise pick the number out of a hat and that will be the winner!! I guess if you want to up your chances, you could leave a second comment and then you would have a bigger chance of winning :) I know, it's pretty lame, but it is entertaining!

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