Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Kitchen Facelift (Deployment Project #48)

Sometimes, you just really want to give a room a make-over, but time, resources, or the fact that you rent, makes it impossible.  I don’t think I have ever introduced you to my kitchen.  I really do like my kitchen in this house, but if I truly had my choices, I would paint the walls, paint the cabinets, change out the flooring, and put a light over the island!
Remember that cute couch?  Read about it here!
My kitchen in big enough for people to hang out while I’m preparing dinner - - it’s one of my favorite things about the kitchen.
Have you noticed the boring builder beige walls?
Last week I posted about my fabulous find at Lowes – the recessed lighting conversion kit.  (I’m still in love if you were wondering!)  But it still wasn’t enough to quench my thirst for re-doing the kitchen.
Have I mentioned I really REALLY REEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAALLLLYYYYYYYYYY  want to paint the kitchen?  We actually did get permission from our landlord to paint. BUT – it has to be a neutral color and FLAT paint.  Flat paint?  That is pointless in a kitchen - - you can’t wash the walls when they are covered in flat paint.  Plus, after realizing how much paint these never before painted walls suck up - - I realized it was going to be quite costly.   AND, if we really are only going to be her one more year, that’s a lot of work for a short time to enjoy it.  So alas, I have come to the sad decision that I cannot paint the kitchen. (Insert sad face here!)
So, I gave my kitchen a mini-facelift on Saturday afternoon.  (Another side effect of not having a working sewing machine!)
Here is the before picture 
And the after!
I converted one wall of cabinets into a display area for all my white dishes!!
Here’s the quick how-to
Unscrew the hinges that are attached to the cabinets, taking the doors completely off. 
Measure the entire opening of each cabinet.IMG_4592
Measure and cut out your fabric so it perfectly fits inside the cabinet.
Using glue dots attach the fabric to the inside of the cabinets. 
Fill your shelves with a display of all your lovely white dishes!!
Easily done in less than half an hour and what a difference it makes in my kitchen.  It ALMOST makes me forget about the fact that I want to paint it!!
IMG_4601IMG_4602  IMG_4619
Plus, it is a fabulous place to display my lovely white soup tureens.  Handsome Hubby gets me one every year for Mother’s Day - - isn’t he the best?!!!


  1. Looks great! Renting can be such a pain, but you're doing a great job making your place "yours"! :)

  2. Mouth wide open at all your pretty dishes! Handsome hubby is a sweetie pie to get you a tureen every year.

  3. Oh, Amy, your dish display looks so lovely! I love your fabric choice; tying your kitchen in with the chairs in the hall leading to it. Clever girl!

    You know taking the cupboard doors off is one of my favorite kitchen treatments! Your post made me get right up out of my desk chair and go peek at mine to remind myself how such a simple thing can make such a huge impact. :)

  4. what a smart girl you are! well done! it's very attractive.

  5. Kristi - - You know you are my inspiration :) We should do a linky party of hutches, or cabnet displays!!! - - oh, but they you would need to have a blog - - hint hint!!! :)

  6. The dots are a great idea. Are they for scrapbooking? I have some textured wallpaper I want to put in the back of my hutch. I keep finding stuff I love on your blog.
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  7. A wonderful technique I found for major visual changes with minor effort and NO permanent change to the walls.

    Get some fabric you love. And a few large bottles of liquid starch.

    Measure fabric to fit the walls like wallpaper. Soak fabric in 3 parts liquid starch and 1 part water. (you could probably use it straight, I was just trying to extend it a bit!) Wring out the fabric, don't worry about wrinkles. Then just slap that fabric over your painted walls. Use your hands to squeegee it out flat, and the wrinkles will disappear. If it's not straight, pull off what you have to and reposition. Let dry, and you have fabric covered walls. You could probably even draw or paint on them.

    When you're ready to move, just grab a corner and pull it off, and wash down the walls. Done. Wash fabric and use in another wonderful technique.

    Also works for small panels of fabric that you want to put up.

    It's actually quite amazing!

    Debbie G

  8. Looks great. What a great idea - if only I had nice dishes like that.

  9. hope the garage sale went well!!!!
