Saturday, March 20, 2010

Pillows, Pillows, and More Pillows!!

Wow!  What a week last week was!!  I guess I didn’t realize how much I relied on my sewing machine and when it breaks down, we all break down!!  I have finally gotten a loaner machine that works – long story there!  So….what have I been busy with? 


Remember my post about my version of the Pottery Barn Nest Pillow? 

Big news… they are available on Etsy!!!

There are actually three different options for customers to choose from:

The whole shebang:  100% cotton canvas pillow cover with the definition of nest embroidered in your choice of thread color, with self-cording trim and a collection of vintage buttons closing up the back.   $25IMG_4480 IMG_4482 IMG_4485

Happy Medium:  100% cotton canvas pillow cover with the definition of nest embroidered in your choice of thread color, with an envelope closure back.  $18IMG_4621 il_155x125_128801516

Make it Yourself:  100% cotton canvas fabric with the definition of nest embroidered in your choice of thread color.  You also get a piece of cotton fabric for the back, but you make this pillow yourself, or use the embroidery for some other creative project you think up!!  $10IMG_4481

I also have some other pillow covers available, just jump on the etsy shop and check them out!!  IMG_4581IMG_4582IMG_4483

I’m working on some other designs and some really exciting printed pillows, but before I go into this whole hog, I thought I would do a little trial run and see how it goes!!

   IMG_4623 IMG_4626 IMG_4624 IMG_4625

Are you as excited as I am?!!!


  1. Looks great!!!! Thanks for sharing, have a great weekend :)

  2. I LOVE that I found your blog. You and I have a LOT in common. My husband is also deployed and I'm racking my brain trying to keep my mind off the fact time is crawling along. We bought a new house and moved in a month before he left so I had a blank slate. I love your chair you just reupholstered. I tried to reupholster some wingback chairs a while ago and it almost killed me. So kudos to you. You should check out my blog My sisters and I started it so some of their projects are on it too. Keep up your great projects and I hope time flies by so your hunny will get home faster! I feel your pain!

  3. Oooh, I want to see the ones you are making. I love the colors. I think you did a fab job, better than PB!

  4. Dear blogland-
    I do not know who all will read this, but I must tell you how fortunate you are to visit this page. I am Handsome Hubby. I affectionately refer to Ms. Design Intervention as "Mrs. America." I wish you all could see the things she does not post on this blog. She is the most sincere person who is absolutely loving and creative doesn't begin to say what she is. She is everything a man could hope for in a wife. She is fun and brave and supportive and challenging. She also happens to be good at Scrabble! I am glad to share her talents and our various home shots with you. But this summer she is going to dissappear for a while. Do not worry... I will loan her out to Blogland again! She is my soul-mate and means more to me than words can express. I pray the Franklins can be a blessing to you through this site. Mrs. America is truly awesome and I am proud to say she is my wife and the love of my life.
    ~~ Handsome Hubby from miles away.

  5. I love them!!! You are so creative!!!!

  6. Dear Handsome Hubby of Mrs. America...
    You guys are the best and the epitome of love. The way you speak about each other is so precious to me. Thank you for serving our country...I am grateful. Meanwhile your wife rocks and I am blessed to have met her and enjoyed her mad creative skillz.

  7. Love the look of the new designs you are thinking of trying! Great choices!

  8. hello i love your placed in the middle of the pillowso of my bed would be PERFECTION :) i might have to ask for one for my birthday...i think i like the last picture of the bird on the branch the best :) and I love that you used the french word for bird tre chic

    i hope you sell lots of pillows, and that you get your sewing machine back soon i am sure you miss your baby!
