Monday, March 29, 2010

White Fitted Slipcover (Deployment Project # 53)

This project was another one of those where I had it mostly finished, but it still had some work left on it.  It has been gracing my living room for about a month now in a 75% done state!  So, this past week, I decided it was time to finish up this slipcover and post the completed project!  IMG_4660
As part of my “lighter and brighter” look in my living room, I definitely had to either re-upholster or slipcover these chairs.  The fabric on these chairs is still in fabulous condition and I knew that I wanted to go with white, so a slipcover was the obvious choice.
I’ve had white maltese bedspreads draped over them since we moved.  That is actually a really good way to have a “trial run” to make sure that it is the color and feel  you are wanting.
This is a very complicated slipcover.  With fitted arms, the fitted curve of the back, a button closure down the back of the chair, and a sassy little pleated edge around the bottom, it has tons of details to give the chair plenty of charm while still remaining neutral and bright. IMG_4652 IMG_4654
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It is one of those projects that just makes me happy!  Every time I walk past, I have to take a second and look at it and smile!
Now….. all I have to do is make a second matching one for the other chair!  Yikes!!


  1. I love the chair too! You should smile each time you pass it...your workmanship is beautiful. Thanks for sharing your talent again!

  2. You are a main machine...what in the world?

  3. Why is it when you finish one chair, the motivation you had when you started goes out the door. Too bad you can't wave a magic wand and produce the second one out of thin air.
    I'm sending you some of my pent up energy so you can finish!
    Did you get it?

  4. You're in love?! Heck I'm in love too!! I need to of those slipcovers for my chairs!!

  5. girl, you rocked that! i'm in love as well. come do mine. you wanna take a trip to denver, right? heee...


  6. GORGEOUS slipcover!!! And I love all the little details, especially the pleated trim on the bottom!

    And yes, I can see how the transformation of the chair with a "simple" slipcover can make you so happy just by looking at it--I feel the same way every time I look at the orange paisley "fall jacket" slipcover you made for my little chair! Sometimes it really is the simple things in life.

  7. That looks awesome! Great job!

  8. You're story, blog and projects....amaze me!

  9. Hi Amy! I've recently found your blog and I think you are amazingly talented...absolutely love the chair. I soooo would love to learn from you to reupholster and make slipcovers. Thank you so much for any tutorials. Your children are beautiful. Good luck to you and I will check in on your blog regularly!

  10. oh my word! i love it! what is it about those mini knife pleats! very detailed and absolutely gorgeous. i'm will be linking you on Friday!

  11. Love your slipcover! I do have one question though and one I dont seem to find an answer on most blogs. Do you make the slipcover a bit bigger so that you can tuck it in tight? or do you make it an exact fit? I am trying to work up the courage to slipcover a tuxedo arm loveseat.

  12. Found you from Pink and Polka Dot! Your slip cover is beautiful. I just started making them. Well, I've made one so far and tonight I'm working on my second, a tricky wing chair!

    Your blog is so nice. I look forward to reading more!

  13. This is beautiful! I've been wanting to make a white slipcover for a while- I LOVE all of the great detials you put into yours. It's also so well-made- fits the chair to a 't'! Great work!
