Friday, April 2, 2010

Red Rocker Re-upholstery (Deployment Project #54)

Do you remember your very first piece of brand new furniture you ever bought?  There is an emotional attachment to that piece isn’t there?  The first piece of furniture I ever bought on my own from a furniture store is this red rocker.  Handsome Hubby and I had been married almost a year, we were stationed at Ft. Gordon, GA and I had my first official job - - teaching at a Montessori school.  Handsome Hubby and I were out shopping – looking for nothing in particular - - when I saw this red rocker chair.  I fell in love with it and had to have it!
It has moved with us 8 times, been in a place of prominence in almost every room of our house, I have rocked and nursed both my babies in this chair - - and it shows!IMG_4852
It was time for my favorite chair to get a make-over!  I knew just the fabric I wanted to use for this chair.  I’ve been protecting it and saving it for just this project.  Almost every customer that has come to “shop” my fabric stash has wanted this piece of fabric. 
It is a sweet natural cotton with branches and birds printed on it and I love it!!  There is no markings or labels on the edges of this fabric, so I can’t tell you who makes it or what pattern it is - - all I know is that I wish I had more of it!
I have one scrap 6” x 10” left over - - so it was a tight fit!  In fact, that is why I used a contrasting brown welting for the chair, because I knew that there was not going to be enough fabric for both!
The coolest part about this project is that the two kids who were rocked and fed in this chair - - the same two who made it so nasty - - helped me re-upholster it.  They both helped with the tearing apart and then Cameron got to use the stapler and Charise documented the whole process with the camera.  Both of them loved helping and have both told me they will help with ANY re-upholstery projects I have!!
(Charise’s photography skills - -notice how she captured my best side and my fabulous hair-do!)
What about you?  What was your first piece of furniture you bought that you still have an emotional attachment to?  Is it time for you to give it a make-over?IMG_4883
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  1. Are you kidding me?! That looks amazing!!

    Awesome job and I love the contrast between the fabric and the piping. Super gorgeous.

  2. I love this chair! I have the chair my grandmother use to rock us grandkids in and everyone says how ugly it is and wonders why I keep it. The frame is in very good condition but the fabric is a burnt orange and very worn. I am glad I never gave in to everyones request to "ditch" the ugly chair. You have inspired me to try and recover it. I have never done re-upholstery but I have been following your blog and you make it look pretty simple. Wish me luck!

  3. You are so good at this!! I would love to try my hand at re-upholstery! I really that fabric too!

  4. Turned out fantastically!!! The brown cording was the PERFECT touch, even if it was by necessity and not by design. :)

  5. Your rocker is gorgeous again! I love it.


  6. Wow!. You always amaze me. Love the chair (love all you do). How do you find the time to do so many projects? I've been working on the same one for weeks now. I've managed to get rid of most original pieces because I had no taste then and am only now finding "keeper" pieces. Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. Great job! That looks awesome! Can I ask you where you got the chair or what style it is? I'm looking for a chair like that for my nursery but can never find one. Please let me know!


  8. Amazing....I so wish I lived near you so I could learn from the master.

  9. beautifully done!! i have a old rocking chair from my parents that I want to upholster so i've been looking for good tutorials! this one will definitely help!

  10. beautifully done!! i have a old rocking chair from my parents that I want to upholster so i've been looking for good tutorials! this one will definitely help!

  11. Wow- that looks so great! I love the fabric you chose. How fun that your kids helped out too!

  12. This is one of the best jobs I have seen. It looks amazing. Great work.

  13. Wow, you did a fabulous job on your chair, love the fabric too.
    Very pretty!
    Blessings, Nellie

  14. are you sure you're not secretly a genius professional reupholster disguised as a regular housewife? cause i'm pretty sure that is amazing. wanna come to my house and reupholster my couch?? :)

  15. Do you mind if I share this on my blog?

  16. O.K. How do I become energized like you? Would a blood transfusion work? Amazing job! I have been on the fence about reupholstering...maybe your site (that I discovered this morning) will give me the confidence to just, GO FOR IT.
    Best to you and your lovely family.

  17. That fabric is so beautiful! Great job! Need to recover a couple of chairs here, too. Maybe during the summer.

  18. That looks so awesome! Can you come over to my house and teach me how to do that? I so want to know how to reupholster!

  19. Hi I'm visiting from Kimba's blog party. This rocking chair is just darling & what a sweet piece of furniture to give new life to. I love it. Take care!

  20. Infarrantly creative sent me over, and Holy cow! That is abeautiful chair. I'm glad you did the contrasting piping, I think that adds so much to the chair.
