Saturday, July 24, 2010

Daddy’s Girl! (Deployment Project #179)

We are ready….so ready!!  That phone call cannot come soon enough!
I’ve been talking with the kids about Daddy coming home, I love to listen to their excitement and their expectations.  Charise was quite worried the other day.  She was worried that Daddy would not be able to find her in the crowd.  I’m not quite sure what she is imagining in her mind, but this was a big concern of hers.  I thought I could ease her worries by making her a little outfit that will definitely stand out in the crowd!
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There is no doubt in my mind that Daddy would be able to find us no matter what we are wearing, but Charise feels so much better.  Glad she knows what she is going to wear - - I still have no clue what I am wearing!!  
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Every morning this Daddy’s girl runs downstairs and takes another link off our countdown chain and then announces to all of us how many days we have left (tomorrow is her last day to report any numbers to us!!)
Don’t you love those corker bows on her little piggies?  Daddy just melts when she wears her hair in piggies - - and she knows it, so she requested that she wear her hair in piggies to pick up Daddy!  I had my new blogger friend, Heather, make us a set of red, white, and blue corkers!!  She sells them on her site and they are fantastic!  Great quality, great price and she is so fun to work with!!!  You should go and check out her site!!
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OK - - now, I’m off to finish that bedroom!  Just to let you know how crazy I am right now, I decided to re-upholster a loveseat for at the end of our bed.  I decided at 7:30PM that it was the wrong color and I wanted to change it, so I got the kids to help me rip the fabric off and by 9:00 we were finished with the entire re-upholstery job!  Don’t worry - - when I finish it all I will share pictures!

Now, I gotta go and work!

UPDATE!!!!  He's home and we are gone on vacation as a family!!!!  The reunion was wonderful and Charise looked so cute at the airport waiting for her daddy!
I'm linking up to the CSI project today - - but unfortunately, the button will not work for me - -- at all!!!  -- like I said, we are on vacation and I am using someone elses computer - - it is not cooperating!!

ok - -- off to enjoy my hubby!!!!


  1. Omg, she is just the cutest thing ever! You have to summit her photo somewhere, a magazine. That girl needs to show off that adorable outfit. I'm sure she won't be letting go of her daddy for awhile. :)

  2. How adorable is that???? She is a doll, and that outfit is just too cute! Her daddy will be impressed! Glad it's coming quickly and that your time with hubby is not far away!


  3. I was wondering how you and Heather S met! She and I were at Riley together. :) She did make some adorable bows for you! I know you can't wait for Jason to get home and I hope the next little bit flies by for you!! :)

  4. Thanks for the shout out! Have an absolute blast!! Call us when things slow down!

  5. How cute is she? I am so excited for you guys! I'm sure it will be a wonderful reunion! Don't even think about us here in blogland - just enjoy yourselves!

  6. what a CUTE outfit & modeled by a lovely little girl! be blessed w/ a wonderful, wonderful reunion!

  7. I found your blog a couple of weeks ago and have been loving it ever since. My hubby left for his first tour of Iraq this summer and you have inspired me to create some "deploymet projects" of my own.
    I love the outfit!! I have already started thinking of ideas for what my daughter (who will be 1) can wear in December when her Daddy comes home. Enjoy your R& excied for you!

  8. that outfit is ADORABLE! Is there any way you'd post a tutorial!? I LOVE IT! My daughter's birthday is July 3rd, so I love to dress her in Red White and Blue in the summer!

  9. What a great outfit! It is great that he is coming home and you can enjoy some time together. I am sure you all will make the most of it!

  10. That outfit has got to be cutest thing I've ever seen! I'm glad to hear of your husbands safe return to you and your darling family.

    Blessings to you and yours,

  11. Congrats on the hubby coming home! What an amazing feeling that will be...I can't imagine how excited you all are! Please tell him thanks from Blogland for his service...we are indebted to him!

  12. Oh, say! Can you see... Charisse, Daddy?! I even feel the anticipation. Pass the Puffs plus lotion, please. Sniff! Sniff! I'm so happy for all of yous!!!

  13. These outfits are beyond words CUTE!! My heart just melts at the thought of their daddy seeing them in these outfits. When the girls outgrow these outfits you must save them so they can be past down. Fabulous!!!

  14. I love this outfit. Will you please email me the name and number of the pattern. I have to make this for my daughter.

    Your daughter looks amazing...glad she will have her daddy home soon.

  15. I forgot to give you my email.

  16. Our best wishes on your husband coming home safely!

  17. So beautiful! I'm sure her smile alone will be enough for him to find her. What a precious little girl.

  18. Hi Amy...

    I found your delightful blog via your Aunt Debbie (who I have just also met)! I just adore those pretty pillows that the two of you are birds in any shape or fashion! Hehe! Anyway, I just adore your daughter's new outfit...what beautiful girls you have, my friend! Ohhh...and I can only imagine the excitement in your home...since Daddy/Husband is soon returning home! I'm sooo very happy for you all!!! What a homecoming that will be!!!

    Well, I also wanted to leave this comment because of all the uncanny similarities that we share! My full name is Charisse...spelled just a little differently than your daughters but nevertheless...pretty uncanny! I have only met a handful of "Charisse's" in my day! Hehe! I am now 53 and have 3 grown/married daughters. I too homeschooled them for most of their school years! I will sorry that I homeschooled! Those years hold some of my most favorite and precious memories!

    Well my dear, it was so very nice to meet you! Hehe...I'm pretty sure that you won't even be reading this little note right away...not with your honey coming home!!! Yeeehawwww!!!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  19. That is SOOOO ridiculously adorable!! LOVE it.

  20. Wow... That is touching. I'm sure daddy was proud of his girls :)

    Over from CSI Project...Good Luck!

  21. My husband just joined the Navy and while he hasn't been deployed yet, the three months he was gone for OCS left me realizing how important it is going to be to fill my time. I was blessed to find another military wife looking to do that with a little arts and crafts :)

  22. Been thinking about your family. Hope you guys are enjoying your time. :)

  23. goodness gracious!! how adorable the pictures and the outfit!!! Daddy will find her!!! and thanks to hubby and Daddy for what he is doing for all of us!!

  24. You are such an inspiration. Thanks for sharing your talents with us. Because of your blog I have started upholstering and it is so satisfying.

    I hope the time with your husband passes slooooowly.

    Look forward to your next project when the family honeymoon is over. Creating is therapeutic!
