Monday, August 23, 2010

Back To Reality… do I have to?

I’m back! Did you miss ? Wow! It has been a crazy  three weeks!  I have missed all of you in blog land!IMG_5731

Handsome Hubby came home three weeks ago and it was a wonderful time of reuniting as a family and enjoying one another's company. We hugged and laughed and cried and enjoyed every moment together!

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After handsome hubby got home we took a little vacation to southern Virginia to a friends family farm where we rode horses, went hiking, jumped in the creek,  ate  amazingly good food and hung out as a family.

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We had an adventurous trip home when Cameron came down with a fever and the air conditioning went out on the track halfway home, it was hot hot trip. We ended up going to the doctors first thing in the morning when we got home and found out Cameron had an ear infection and strep throat. Charise,  not wanting to be left behind followed in her brother's footsteps and had a fever two days later. We ended up  just staying home the rest of the time and enjoying each other's company.  We had lots of family movie nights and played lots of games together.  The two weeks went by really fast and were over much sooner than we were ready to let Handsome Hubby go back. :(

Handsome Hubby left on Friday morning and on  Saturday morning the kids and I left for North Carolina for a week at the beach. We went with four other families from church and had a fabulous time hanging out, eating  the best food ever, relaxing on the beach, staying up way too late, and laughing way too hard!  It was just what the doctor ordered!  It was perfect timing for the kids and I to get our minds off of daddy leaving.

(I would love to share pictures of all of this, but my camera is acting up and will not let me download the pictures)

After we were done at the beach we loaded everything back into the truck and headed three hours down the road to Fort Bragg to go and visit friends there. Cameron's best friend from Fort Irwin lives there.  I surprised Cameron and took him to visit his friend. It just so happens, that his mom and I are great friends to!  He said it was the best surprise ever! In fact, we had so much fun that I forgot to even get the camera out.

Now I am trying to catch up from being out of the house for three weeks. School starts on Thursday and this mama/teacher is so not ready for it to start.!  I've got lots of projects to show you this week and I did finish the master bedroom before handsome hubby got home, so I'm going to be showing you the bedroom all throughout the week!  Big yay!!!  I am so excited to show you the finished product I think it turned out beautiful and Handsome Hubby absolutely loved it!  He kept saying the entire time he was home that it was just like a hotel room and it was the only room he wanted to hang out in.  What a compliment!

Well, part of coming back to reality is the 15 loads of laundry I now need to do, and then I must start getting myself to bed at a decent hour!  Thanks so much for waiting patiently for a new post while I enjoyed time with my Handsome Hubby!


  1. Welcome Back! Looks like you and the family had a great time. The kids look like they didn't want to let go of daddy! So cute. It was a great idea to go on a trip after he went back to get the mind off of missing him. I'm sure you still do though. Can't wait to see all of your projects!

  2. Welcome back!
    The look on your hubby's face with him picking up the kids just made me melt. It's easy to see he was glad to be home. I am so glad you all enjoyed some time together as family..sick and all.
    15 loads of laundry...YIKES! That sounds about right. Coming home from vacation is such a reality check, isn't it?
    You were missed. Looking forward to seeing the master bedroom. Glad you were able to finish it before the hubs made it back home.

  3. Welcome back! Your family has been in my thoughts. I'm so glad that you were able to spend some quality time together. I pray that everyone adjusts back quickly, that HH is kept safe, and that the remainder of his deployment flies by! Thanks to HH and his supportive family for keeping us safe. :)

  4. Tears in my eyes- I so know how you felt! I'm so happy you had this time together!!!!

  5. You seem like a very positive, very happy, very supportive wife and woman. Way to go!

  6. I recently found your blog and just finished readin all the archives. I love it!!! I want to start upholstering somethig like you wouldn't believe!!!

    I can't wait to see more of your projects; one question: where do you get all of your energy???

    Thanks for all the inspiration!

  7. YAY! Amy - I'm so excited that you had such a great time with J home. I knew you would, but praying for y'all in the mean time! Just thought I'd stop by to let you know that!

  8. Thank you for sharing these precious photos. I teared up seeing the ones in the airport. We appreciate what your husband does!

  9. Thanks for sharing and thank you for being a supportive military wife, your kids because this must be hard on them too and last...your husband for his duty to his country and to all of us. I am so glad that the time with your handsome hubby was spent with lots of relaxation and fun.

    God Bless you and your family

  10. Thank you. Thank you to your husband for his service. Thank you to you as the military family who serves right along with him. I am so glad that God is blessing you with life, love and happiness. I pray that He continues.

  11. Welcome back to reality, sweetie. I confess I choked up (really badly...) when I read your post after being "gone" for three+ weeks now. Of course you don't know how often I thought of you during that time-- all the fun your precious family was having. (You don't even know me.) God moments, every one. Wouldn't you agree? You're in all our prayers. And again, thank you to "Handsome Hubby" for his (AND YOURS!) sacrifice and service to my country.

  12. oh man you got me all teary eyed! I say this because I am happy for you but we are also gearing up for a future deployment and this time my son will be old enough to know Daddy is not here & we also have a new daughter so two kids for deployment will be new to me. I just remember the R&R time with my hubby last time and I am so happy for you!! Welcome back and may the time until redeployment (coming home to those not in the military-just so you don't think I'm praying for him to be deployed again soon lol) be short!!

  13. Had tears in my eyes reading your return post - lovely to hear that you and your family had a great time together.
    Can't wait to see your new projects - thanks for sharing with us.

  14. Your homecoming pictures made me tear up! Beyond sweet!

    Glad y'all had a nice R&R's hoping the next few months fly!

  15. blogland can wait, but I'm glad to have you back!!! Glad you could spend some quality time with Jason and the kids.

  16. God Bless you and your beautiful family and thank you to your husband and your whole family for your service to our country! You will all be in my prayers. I am sure you are such an encouragement to other military wives. Can't wait to see your upcoming projects : ) PS: I am a Homeschooling mom also...LOVE it!

  17. We so often forget the sacrifices military families make every single day...thank you so much for the reminder that freedom isn't free. So very glad to see your reunion...absolutley made me a puddle of tears. Grateful for yourtiem together... know there are many of praying for the day when you have regular day at home projects. Blessings and more to your family!

  18. You've had one of the best excuses to be away from the keyboard. Good for you and your children.
