Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Baby Quilt (Deployment Project #192)

Ten days till Handsome Hubby leaves country and 8 projects away from 200!  Will I reach 200 before he gets home?  If I didn’t have anything else to do but projects, I could definitely do it, but with everything that I need to do, I’m not sure if I will make it!  This homeschooling is kicking my patootie!!  I guess as kids get older, their schoolwork gets more difficult!  Go  figure! 

Here is a project that I was working on two weeks ago.  I couldn’t post it right away because I didn’t want to ruin the surprise!!

Our good friends Chad and Elizabeth are expecting their first baby in October.  We were all stationed in California together.  They are still there, and of course, we are on the other side of the country.  So, when I  heard that our friends in California were throwing her a baby shower,  I knew exactly what I wanted to do!


This quilt is made using  the techniques found in the book:  One Block Wonders


Basically it is a lot of fussy cutting of one fabric into tons of triangles…


And then putting those together for form hexagons…


Then putting all those hexagons together to make the quilt!


These are my favorite quilts to make because you really only have to choose one fabric.  All your blocks are made out of the same fabric.  See the pink paisley fabric below?  That is what all the hexagons are made from.  The green fabric is the backing and the polk-a-dot fabric is what I used for the binding.  Another plus about these quilts is that they look really involved and detailed, but they are really easy to make!!  I made this quilt in two afternoons!


DSC04749  DSC04750 DSC04751  DSC04752

Congratulations Chad and Elizabeth!  We can’t wait to meet your little one - - I know you guys are going to be awesome parents!!!


  1. AMAZING!!! Two afternoons? You are killing me.

  2. Beautiful! I have one of these quilts for my son. It was done from an animal print. My grama has made a few but up here in ND I've heard them called Stack and Whack quilts. Do you do your own quilting? I love to quilt...but mostly just the picking of the fabric, cutting and putting together the top. Not so much the actual quilting part.
    I'm so excited that your sweety will be home soon.
    Oh, and the whole thing about it getting harder the older they get to homeschool...frightening to me. I'm homeschooling our 8, 7 and 5 year old and expecting number four soon. I was hoping it would just get easier! We're working hard at independence and self-sufficiency in the schoolwork area.
    Sorry...that was a lot. Love your blog!

  3. Love it! I wish I had the patience to complete a quilt. It's an amazing talent you have. I know they will treasure it for many years to come!

  4. Oh wow, I can't believe you made that in two afternoons. How lovely. It looks so involved. you did a great job quilting it.

  5. I SERIOUSLY love this quilt. My husband and I are adopting a baby boy and I've been looking for unique keepsake items that don't cost a such luck. If I had only known that I needed you as my friend at my baby shower. :P

  6. this is the most beautiful quilt i have even seen. you have so much talent!!!
