Thursday, September 9, 2010

Linen Slip-cover (Deployment Project #193)

This is a sweet slipcover.  With cording around all the edges, a T cushion, round arms with pleats and a pleated back pillow, there were lots of details and attention required in the creation of this slipcover! 


Here’s a picture of the chair before.  Yes, it did have a seat cushion and  a back pillow, but I had already covered them before I realized I hadn’t taken a picture and honestly, I didn’t feel like wrestling them off for a picture!!


This is a linen like fabric.  It was fantastic to work with as far as weight, but it certainly does fray…a lot!  I had to use my serger on every seam on this slip-cover to ensure a long life.

 IMG_5980 IMG_5981

This is the softest, most comfy chair I have ever sat in, no wonder her owner wanted a slipcover made!!  Her matching couch and ottoman are also getting new slips.  I’m sure I will post pictures as soon as they are done!


Oh, by the way….can we say 8 days!!!  :)  Just in case you lost count!


  1. I love that fabric. You did a great job. It looks like it's a great fit too. Eight days!!

  2. Great job... once again! Oh how I wish you lived closer!! I just couldn't bring myself to making a slip-cover and ended up buying a new couch and loveseat.

  3. So HAPPY to have found your blog today!

  4. Not sure if I've commented before, but have followed your blog for a while. I LOVE it and am so impressed by your slip covers, etc....That looks so intimidating to me!! I've got 2 chairs that need recovering and I just keep staring at them! Maybe with you tutes & fabulous ideas I might just tackle them. BTW - congrats on your hubby getting to come home soon and thank you all for your service to our country!
