Monday, September 13, 2010

Bonne Nuit – Goodnight (Deployment Projects # 194-196)

Remember this PB inspired savannah slip-cover I just made for my friend?


Good news?  She loves it!

Bad news?  She’s moving (boohoo :( )

Yes, that is part of the military life.  We move, we make friends, we live life together, and then we move.  You just never know which one of you is going to move first.  It’s also something that is awesome about the military.  We make friends fast and we go deep quickly.  There’s not time to mess around, we know we have a limited time together so we make the most of it!!

Shana and I both went through deployments together.  Our kids are the same age.  Our youngest daughters are twins - - they don’t look anything alike, but they act exactly the same - - they can destroy a clean, organized room in 3o seconds flat and never give it a second thought!

Anyway, I completely regress….so, Shana is moving and they just found their new house (yup, that’s another thing we do, go online, find a house for rent, send a friend who is already stationed at our next duty station to go and check it out, then sign a rental contract without ever actually walking through the house!) and it turns out their bedroom in their new home has one accent wall that is black.  So, Shana asked me if I could make her a pillow to put in her new chair that was black, so she can pull the black throughout the room. 

What do you think?


Bonne Nuit is French for Goodnight.  I designed it with a freestyle script and embroidered it with off-white thread on black fabric.  I love this font - - I am definitely going to have to use it on another project soon!!


I loved the pillow so much, I decided that I needed one for my bedroom that I just re-did!  I added a little knife pleat border around mine.

IMG_5994 IMG_5998 IMG_6000

The last project for today is another little Oiseau (bird) pillow.  I love the green with the brown on this pillow.  It is such a sweet, soothing combination!


I’m finishing up the last 4 projects this week.  I think I am going to make it to 200 before Handsome Hubby gets home!!!


  1. Sorry to lose the close-in proximity friend...but as they say, better to love and have lost than to never have loved at all. Keep up the good work...and I'd venture to say that never a left on deployment wife has ever been more productive than you!

  2. SO PRETTY! I love these pillows. You are one talented lady!


  3. LOVE it!!!! I'm sorry your friend will be moving. she will think of you every night, now!! :D


  4. I am LOVING the black pillow. DH's family is French. DH can't speak a word of french other than c'est si bon (it's so good), only because his dad has an apron with the Tasmanian Devil on it that says "Say see bone". I know a few random phrases that I use to annoy him :)

  5. Ah, you have beaten me to it. I will be posting a reveal of my master bedroom later this week and on my list is a PB knockoff of that bonne nuit pillow. I love the knife pleats. Give the pillow some added girly umph! : )

  6. So, back in April when I guessed you'd finish 127 projects, I really meant 227. I'm SO glad your husbands coming home soon. I feel your pain and anticipation of his return!

  7. Yep- no messing around when it comes to finding friends. I just wish it weren't so hard to break into the locals' circles! Seems like that is hit or miss sometimes and when it finally happens, it's time to go {again}...

    Love the pillows!

  8. You need to open an etsy shop so I can buy a pillow! You are one talented lady!

  9. I knew you could do it - ok, I guessed a few less projects, who ever knew that you were a project BEAST!!! You go girl!! Love everything!!!!

  10. I am so excited your man is coming home so soon. Oh that is so awesome. I bet you will be excited for life to get back as normal. What a crazy like you live in the military. I love your new pillow. So sweet.

  11. You are amazing. The deployment, homeschooling, and the AMAZING sewing! I wish sewing didn't make me want to poke my eyes out, because I love the results!
