Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas 2010 Tour

IMG_6291 Welcome to my 2010 Christmas Tour!!  I thought that if I was going to get these pictures up, I had better get at it and get them up before Christmas!  I know there were lots of linky parties the past couple of weeks, but I have missed out on them!!  I didn’t do much this year, but our house is just festive enough for my likes this year! 

I started by changing out my curtains.  I just put some festive green ones up - - they were the curtains from our dining room in California.  I love switching out my curtains.  It is just a few re-clips away from a new look!!


Next came the mantle - - since I have a great new sturdy mantle this year (remember last year my mantle fell off the wall - - and this summer I found a fantastic replacement) I stuffed as much mercury glass, lights, greenery, and greenery as I possibly could!!

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The stockings were hung by the chimney with care….


A few Christmas pillows on the couch, greenery over the mirror, lights and greenery wrapped around the pillars and….back by request of my kiddos:  the magical hanging indoor forest in the hallway!


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A small collection of mercury glass trees on the hallway table.

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Simple, elegant, and easily packed up in January!  I miss not doing the post tour of homes, but it sure was nice decorating in just one day and knowing that in a few simple hours it will all be taken down again!  

Have a fabulous Christmas enjoying time with your friends and family!!!


  1. Looks BEAUTIFUL Amy - as usual. I'm sure you're glad that you have family coming to share the holidays with you!!! Have a wonderful CHRISTmas!!!! Love ya sweetie!

  2. Love the magical hanging forest! You have a beautiful home!

  3. Just beautiful!! Makes me dream for a home of my own again that I can decorate the way I want to.

  4. So classicly pretty. I'd love to know how you hung that greenery in the hall ceiling.

    So glad you're back.

  5. Beautiful! Where did you find your drapes??

    Artful Blessings,

  6. Your home looks beautiful Amy. I love the green curtains! So glad to see you posting again. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!coopotot

  7. I'm SOOOOOOOO glad you're back! I love your Christmas decor! Thanks for sharing.

    I look forward to reading more of your blog in the new year! I miss you!


  8. Everything is lovely and it's great to see a post from you.
    Have a blessed Christmas and a joyous New Year with your family!

  9. How elegant.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  10. The magical indoor forest is my favorite! How pretty! Thanks for sharing.

  11. I LOVE those drapes. And all your white furniture! So glad I stumbled upon your blog today!

  12. Your home was gorgeous! I love the branch from the ceiling. I have seen them done on porches but never inside and I love yours!
