Wednesday, September 29, 2010

He’s Home!!! And the very last deployment project #200!!!!

He’s Home, He’s Home, He’s Home!!!!


Count all the arms in this picture….yup - - that is all four of us in one huge hug!


He’s home, and it is fabulous!  We have been enjoying every minute together as family - - we are making the most of every moment we have together.  There have been no projects happening here, no sewing machines humming along, no paintbrushes leaving their mark, no furniture getting make-overs and obviously no blog posts happening either!  Nope – I’m taking a long awaited break!


Remember last spring when Handsome Hubby left this message for all of you?



Dear blog land-
I do not know who all will read this, but I must tell you how fortunate you are to visit this page. I am Handsome Hubby. I affectionately refer to Ms. Design Intervention as "Mrs.. America." I wish you all could see the things she does not post on this blog. She is the most sincere person who is absolutely loving and creative doesn't begin to say what she is. She is everything a man could hope for in a wife. She is fun and brave and supportive and challenging. She also happens to be good at Scrabble! I am glad to share her talents and our various home shots with you. But this summer she is going to disappear for a while. Do not worry... I will loan her out to Blog land again! She is my soul-mate and means more to me than words can express. I pray the Franklins can be a blessing to you through this site. Mrs.. America is truly awesome and I am proud to say she is my wife and the love of my life. 
~~ Handsome Hubby from miles away

you can read the entire post here

I hope you didn’t miss that line in there where he says, “this summer she is going to disappear for a while…”  Well, since his deployment kept getting extended, he is now home in the fall instead of the summer, but I am still disappearing for awhile!  We are taking time to just be a family.  I know we can’t make up for the time we missed, but we can make some new memories and enjoy our time with as little stress as possible!


If you haven’t met Handsome Hubby - - here’s what I wrote about him earlier this year.

I didn’t forget about the half-way contest that we did!  Once I get back to our “new normal” I will post the winner and send out their prize package!  I can tell you that I far exceeded my expectations of how many projects I would complete!


Speaking of projects - - here is #200!  The kids and I worked on a huge welcome home banner to hang on the garage door to surprise Daddy with and also some signs for the airport!  Do you see my kids cute artwork on these signs?


By the way, aren’t these pictures fabulous?  When Handsome Hubby came home for R&R, I tried to capture the moment myself.  It is very hard to take pictures and run to your husband at the same time!!  So, this time, my very talented friend Nicole captured the moment for us.  If you live in the DC area, and you are looking for someone super talented to take some fabulous pictures for you, Nicole is your lady!!  Check out her other fabulous work on her website!! 


Of course, I had to have the perfect patriotic shoes for the occasion!!!


chris said...

Aww what great pictures! They brought a huge smile to my face. I love seeing our guys and gals coming home.
Welcome home Handsome!

Ann at Deep Magic Tangles said...

I thank the Lord for your heroic hubby's safe return! And I thank ALL FOUR OF YOU for your sacrifices for our country. Your precious son's tears produced a few of my own. And I love LOVE those shoes! God bless each of you and GOD BLESS AMERICA - land of the free BECAUSE of the brave!

Laura @ LPC Interiors said...

So happy for y'all! Love that you were able to capture these moments- so special! Enjoy your time as a family & thanks for the sacrifices your family has made for our country!

jerriann said...

I have a huge smile on my face and big ole tears rolling down my cheeks.

Pictures truly do say a thousand words and really just one word covers it all - love.

Welcome home from this Army Mom. :)

Tracy's Trinkets and Treasures said...

Your sons tears got me. I am so happy for you all. Enjoy your time. Thanks for showing us all of your great projects while your husband was away. I love that photo under the flag. It is a keeper.

may g said...

so happy for you all! enjoy your sweet family. the picture of your son is so touching. having a little flood here.

fleurcottage said...

so glad he's home safely...God bless all of 'em!

Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said...

I am so so happy for you guys! The pictures are fabulous. You look amazing. The kids are adorable, your son got to me. And the expression on your hubbys face says it all! And what sweet words he said about you. Enjoy your time together :)

Lorie said...

What wonderful pictures, and what a wonderful note from him!

I am so happy he is home safely! And am so thankful that men like him will serve for our country.

Kelli said...

I am so happy for you...words cannot express the gratitude and appreciation I feel for you and your handsome hubby and the sacrifice so much for each and every one of us! Please tell him THANK YOU!! Praise God for his safe return. Enjoy your time, without guilt or regret, blogland will be here when you get back! We love you. : )

treva e said...

So glad that he's returned to your family safely. Enjoy your time together, and with any luck he won't get a hardship deployment again. best wishes until you return with your fabulous ideas.
Happy Hubby, you have a winner there in your wife and children. Thank You for your service to our country.

Tonya said...

YAY! I'm so glad he made it home and you can be a family again! Don't worry about us, we'll still be here when you get back! Enjoy your family time. And please tell Handsome Hubby thanks for his service. It's people like you guys who make it so that people like me can enjopy life, and I very much appreciate your sacrifices!

Becca said...

Your blog has been such a blessing and encouragement. Enjoy your family time!!

Anonymous said...

So happy for you, thank you both for your service. As a Navy wife myself I know a little something about your sacrifice - what a great example you are to the military wife community! Enjoy these days, sweet sweet days.


Kelsey said...

This post totally made me cry! So awesome to have him home and safe...take a LONG break...spend time with your family...soak it up! :) I don't know if you've seen the video on youtube about all the soldiers homecomings? If you haven't checked it out yet you NEED to...its amazing and I bawled all the way thru it! Please thank your hubby for his service...we appreciate it tremendously!

Tara G. said...

I could tell your son was in tears during the group hug and I lost it. You look amazing, love the flag picture- frame it! And now go enjoy!!

Kristi H. said...

My Dear Friend, it is so hard to come up with the right words to describe just how happy and relieved I am that your family is finally reunited and that you're together again, as you should be. Being all too familiar with those feelings from firsthand experience, I'm more choked up and tongue-tied than anything, and seeing your family's special moment so beautifully captured on film completely did me in.

Cherish this sweet time with one another. And call me when you can come out and play again! I've missed you! ;)

Random Musings said...

YAY!! Thank you for your families sacrifice so we can be free..

The picture under the flag is beautiful.. gives me chills

Arlene said...

Oh my, huge tears here...welcome home Handsome Hubby and thank you for your service to our country! Your little one's smiles and tears were just so precious.
Take your family time, we will be here...much love and happiness to you all!

Dawn Chandler said...

Sitting here with tears in my eyes - love reunions after deployment! I came into your blog only a few projects ago and have been waiting to hear HH made it home safely! Now I am going back through the archives. Enjoy your break! We'll all be here when you get back! :)

Anonymous said...

so thankful he is home safely. Please extend to Handsome Hubby my thanks for his service, and to you for your support of our service men and women. My son in law is in the Army and has done two deployments in Afghanistan. It is a huge sacrifice that does not go unnoticed. So grateful for reunions. PS Love the daughter would snatch those up in a minute!

Kris said...

Fabulous pictures! I am so happy for you!!! Welcome home HH!

Kris said...

Fabulous pictures! I am so happy for you!!! Welcome home HH!

kris said...

Great pictures. Welcome home HH!

Page said...

My husband is in the Navy and while he hasn't been deployed yet, we know it's coming. These pics brought me to tears! In a good way!

Deanna said...

You made me cry!

I hope you and your family have a wonderful and peaceful time together! Blessings on you all!

Charo said...

Best wishes for you and for beautiful family, the photos are amazing, they capture the perfect moment! A happy family.

Enjoy your time!


southerninspiration said...

Tears came to my eyes when I read this...I am SO happy for your family and your reunion! Take all the time you need and we look forward to more interventions...maybe handsome hubby will be involved with these! Oh, and your kids are adorable...I can only imagine how happy you all are to have your guy home!

Cheryl said...

Praise the Lord "handsome hubby" is hom! I am so excited for you. My hubby was deployed once and I was beyond extactic when he was home for good.
Enjoy time just being a family and getting back into the swing of things.
Hugs to you. : )

Design Apprentice said...

Congratulations!! So happy for you and your family.

Marissa said...

Enjoy your time...

Jessica said...

Just a little over a year ago I was in your shoes (but mine weren't as cute)when my husband came home from Iraq. Your pictures bring back sweet memories for me as well as a tear to my eye. I am so happy for your family and that you are all back together again.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad for you both and wish you and your family all the happiness there is.
Please tell your husband 'Thank you for serving our country'. If only they all could come home.



Heather Ritchie said...

WOOOHOOO!! I am so happy for you that I teared up when I just saw this and I don't even know you! Crazy, right? I hope you enjoy every moment with him! My husband always likes to thank soldiers when he sees them out in public for the sacrifice they make for our country so on my Mr.'s behalf, I'd like to say thank you to your Handsome Hubby and to you for the sacrifice you make so he can do this. Now go kiss him in your cute shoes some more!


Kaye said...

I love this blog!

Mom in High Heels said...

Yay!!!! There is nothing I love better than homecomings! The photo of your boy crying is so sweet. What great photos. I had someone take photos for me the last time James Bond came home too, because it is hard to hug and take photos at the same time.

BTW, your patriotic shoes are super fab! I have a patriotic pair too! When you get a chance (I know you'll be busy for a while), have a look

It's like we're sisters. ;)

K said...

I haven't commented on your blog ever, but I love your projects! And I'm so thrilled for you that your husband is home!!! The reunions are the best!!! Enjoy being together as a family!

Anonymous said...

Great blog & love your projects.
Wishing you & yours all the very best!

Rick said...

Good for you and our country. It's great when our men and women in service come home with a smile and greeted with smiles.

Ana said...

Thank you God for allowing Hanson Hubby to return home. Please bless this family during this time and bless also the families of others who are still in the front lines. Thank you, Thank you, thank you for allowing this reunion.

Fish & Flatbread Family said...

Congratulations!!!!! So glad he is home! Another soldier safe and with his family!!!!

Unknown said...

Love the shoes. Love the cute family and of course the cute patriotic husband! I just posted on my blog for a friend that is still in Iraq. I didn't know that he likes to read my blogs and I hadn't updated. Ya'll get some down time. Bless your family for your service. Glad he is home safe.

Sue said...

This brought a tear to my eye. My nephew is coming home from Afghanistan this month after 6 months away from his girls (Mum + 2 little ones)We are so excited and everyday that passes is harder and harder.
The spouses of the troops are also hold it all together for the people to come home to.
Hope you are having a wonderful time :-)

Dixie Redmond said...

Tears in my eyes, and happy for you all. I hope your family time is going well and thank you to your family for the sacrifices you all made on behalf of us all. Saying a prayer now for many wonderful blessings.


DanielleisNesting said...

I just found your page through Shanty2Chic and almost cried through this post! Wonderful!

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